Administrative number: 0-1
Responsible office: President’s Office
Responsible officer: University President

[Informational] About this website


This website presents all officially approved Winona State University (WSU) policies, procedures, and regulations. This site also presents current drafts of new/revised policies and procedures, allowing WSU stakeholders an opportunity to review them and provide feedback to the administration before the President makes a final decision to approve or reject them.


Website Maintenance and Organization:

A. Approved Policies, Procedures, and Regulations

This website helps fulfill the requirements of the WSU 1-1 Policies and Procedures Policy, which states that all policies and procedures should

  • Be accessible to all interested parties and presented in a common format.

This website is jointly maintained by the WSU All-University Policy Committee (UPC) and the WSU Marketing and Communication (MarComm) offices.

B. New/Revised/Repealed Policies, Procedures, and Regulations

In accordance with the WSU 1-1 Policies and Procedures Policy, all policies and procedures should

  • Be reviewed by all relevant stakeholders prior to adoption; and

  • Be formally approved by University’s President

This website also provides all WSU stakeholders access to drafts of proposed updates. Drafts of new and revised policies and procedures (and candidates for repeal or “retirement”) must be vetted first by the WSU All-University Policy Committee and then by the WSU Cabinet. Those drafts can be reviewed on the Stakeholder Review page:

After Cabinet has accepted a UPC recommendation to open a policy/procedure/regulation for review, the Policy Coordinator provides them to WSU stakeholder bodies who may then provide feedback. The current list of such recommendations can be found here:

The WSU President reviews all recommendations and the stakeholder feedback before providing final approval:

Note that all legacy “regulations” are being reviewed for either (1) conversion to a set of formal Policy and Procedure documents or (2) retirement.

C. Institutional Memory

This site also archives the recommendations made by the UPC and the Presidential decisions to approve the creation, revision, and/or repeal of university policies, procedures, and regulations.

Related definitions:

[1-1] Administration:

The offices and roles listed in WSU’s ‘Administrative Leadership’ webpage.

[1-1] All-University Policy Committee:

A committee consisting of representatives from all bargaining units (IFO, ASF, MAPE, AFSCME, MMA), student senate, and the administration.

[1-1] Cabinet:

The individual administrators designated as members of Cabinet on WSU’s ‘Administrative Leadership’ webpage.

[1-1] Policy Coordinator:

A University employee who has been designated to facilitate the creation, review, and maintenance of policies at WSU.

[1-1] Regulation:

The term that previously referred to all policies and procedures adopted by the university. According to Regulation 1-1 (adopted 12/28/1978 and last revised 9/17/2008), “The term University Regulations refers to those policies and administrative procedures established for the internal operation of WSU under the authority delegated by MnSCU. Encompassed in these regulations are those procedures adopted by the President to facilitate the routine and continuing functions of the University and to implement the governing rules, the internal rules, the system policies, state statutes, state agency rules, and collective bargaining agreements.”

[1-1] Stakeholder:

A group (such as a collective bargaining unit or Student Senate) identified by the All-University Policy Committee as having a personal stake in the development and implementation of a university policy or procedure. For this policy and procedure, the All-University Policy Committee and its members are defined as stakeholders and may participate in these processes.

[1-1] University Policy:

A set of principles, positions, and rules having application throughout the university and intended to govern the actions of all employees, faculty, students, visitors, and others who come in contact with the university.

[1-1] University Procedure:

A clear explanation of how a policy is generally implemented at WSU.


Adoption date: 08/01/2024
Implementation date: 08/01/2024