Administrative number: 3-30
Responsible office: Academic Affairs
Responsible officer: Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs

Student Academic Appeals Regulation (Retired)

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This regulation describe the procedures to be used in considering appeals from students suspended from Winona State University (WSU) for academic reasons.


A. Method of Accomplishing Appeal Hearings

Each student appeal for readmission to the University will follow the steps outlined below.

1. As the designee of the President, The Director of Advising Services will receive written requests from students to appeal their dismissal from the University for academic reasons. Advising Services will be responsible for assembling documents necessary to consider such appeals.

2. The Director of Advising Services will refer these appeals and the related documents to the President of the WSU Faculty Association or his/her designee.

3. The WSU Student Affairs Committee of the WSU Faculty Association, as the designee of the President of the WSU Faculty Association, will make decisions on each appeal in a timely fashion and will communicate these decisions to the Director of Advising Services.

4. The Director of Advising Services will then communicate these decisions to the students concerned. Students who wish to appeal this decision will be given an opportunity to appear in person before the Faculty Association designee for consideration. Decisions of the Faculty Association are final unless an exception is granted by the Provost/Vice President for Academic Affairs.


Date of Revisions: 9/4/03

Adoption date: 10/02/1995
Implementation date: 12/08/2009