Administrative number: 3-17
Responsible office: Finance and Administration
Responsible officer: Vice President for Finance and Administration

Sabbatical Leave (Administrative Service Faculty – MSUAASF) Regulation (Retired)

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This regulation establishes the method whereby employees who are members of the collective bargaining unit currently represented by Minnesota State University Association of Administrative and Service Faculty (MSUAASF) may apply for sabbatical leave at Winona State University (WSU). Reference is Article fifteen (15) of the Agreement between the Minnesota State College and University (MnSCU) Board of Trustees and Administrative Service Faculty (MSUAASF).


A. Eligibility

Eligibility requirements are outlined in Section C fifteen (15) of the MnSCU Board of Trustees and Administrative Service Faculty (MSUAASF) Agreement.

B. Process

1. Application should be submitted on the ASF Sabbatical Application Form to the employee’s immediate supervisor according to the dates listed below in the year before the academic year for which a leave is requested.

2. The supervisor should indicate their recommendation on the ASF Sabbatical Application Form to include how they propose to cover the employee’s assignments during the period of the sabbatical leave. The Supervisor should then forward the memo to the appropriate vice president according to the timelines listed below.

3. The vice president should consider the application and make a written recommendation to the President. If there are multiple applications, a rank order for those given a positive recommendation should be included. A copy of the written recommendation shall be provided for all applicants and the President of the Administrative Service Faculty (MSUAASF).

4. The President selects applicants to be granted sabbatical leave consistent with the limitations outlined in the reference. The President should notify each employee, in writing, by December 15 if their request is approved or denied. Those whose sabbaticals are approved will indicate their acceptance by completing the Sabbatical Leave Agreement Form. The President provide a final list of all approved and denied sabbaticals to the President of the Administrative Service Faculty (MSUAASF).

5. Each sabbatical leave recipient shall report within 30 days upon return from the sabbatical leave detailing what was accomplished during the sabbatical and how the accomplishments related to the statement of purpose in the ASF Sabbatical Application Form. This report shall be sent to the immediate supervisor, vice president, and President.

C. Timeline

November 1: ASF Sabbatical Application Form submitted to immediate supervisor.

November 15: Supervisors recommendation including employee’s assignments coverage to vice president.

November 30: Vice President’s recommendation to the President including a rank order if there are multiple applications.

December 15: Presidential decision communicated to the applicants and President of Administrative Service Faculty (MSUAASF)

If any of these dates fall on a weekend or holiday, the date shall be shifted to the next business day.

D. Criteria

The following should be used to evaluate a sabbatical application:

1. The extent to which the leave will enhance the employee’s contribution to Winona
State University (WSU)

2. The number of previous sabbaticals. Those with the fewest sabbaticals and the longest time between them should be given higher priority for consideration.

3. Selection of the time period for the sabbatical by the applicant shall not be given consideration for rejection of the proposal. In the case of applicants from the same department or from multiple unit heads, the administration shall make every effort to accommodate the leave request.

4. Efforts shall be made by all parties to procure sufficient funds for sabbaticals, so that funding need not be a factor in determining leaves.

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Date of Revisions: 8/18/88, 3/21/91, 8/13/07, 11/2014

Adoption date: 08/18/1988
Implementation date: 11/03/2014