Administrative number: 8-1
Responsible office: Finance and Administration
Responsible officer: Vice President for Finance and Administration

Public Service Policy (Draft)


This policy defines the conditions under which Winona State University (WSU) makes university services and facilities available for non-university purposes.

Rationale for Revision and Major Changes:

(This is for stakeholder review, not for publishing)

This policy draft is a proposed update for a legacy regulation:

This policy now designates the Vice President for Finance and Administration as the responsible officer. The procedure now clarifies the role that the Business Office plays in the process.

Suggested Stakeholder feedback deadline:

Feedback should be provided using this WSU form by 11/01/2024.


The primary function of all WSU services and facilities is to support the mission of the university. However, services and facilities may be made available to non-university entities when time, resources, and availability permit, and when there is no financial loss to the university or the state. Instructional and administrative service areas at WSU may extend services to non-university entities under certain circumstances and conditions. The use of WSU buildings and facilities is subject to WSU Policy and Procedure 4.4, University Facilities and Space Use.

See also:

Related definitions:

[8-1] Non-University Entities:

Individuals and organizations that are not affiliated with WSU or sponsored by a WSU college, department, or other organizational unit including recognized WSU student organizations.


Date of Revisions: 08/13/2007

Adoption date: 08/18/1988
Implementation date: 01/01/2099