Administrative number: 3-19A
Responsible office: Academic Affairs
Responsible officer: Chief Academic Officer (CAO)

Program Banking Procedure (Draft)


This procedure describes the requirements and processes involved in banking and unbanking a program at Winona State University (WSU).

Rationale for Revision and Major Changes:

(This is for stakeholder review, not for publishing.)

This procedure draft is a proposed update for a legacy regulation:

(Additional notes forthcoming.)

Stakeholder feedback report:


A. Banking a Program

An academic program can be banked for three years, or up to four years if a one-year extension is requested and granted. A banked program can be reinstated during the banking period but will be deleted at the end of the period. These actions are initiated by the department and routed through the curriculum management process described below:

  1. The department submits a proposal and a rationale for banking a program to the appropriate dean through the online curriculum management system.

  2. The dean reviews the proposal. If the dean approves the proposal, they officially notify the Provost/Vice President for Academic Affairs (P/VPAA) and forward to the Academic Affairs Curriculum Committee (A2C2) chair (for undergraduate programs) or the Graduate Council chair (for graduate programs) through the curriculum management system.

  3. The A2C2 or Graduate Council committee reviews the proposal and forwards to the catalog manager for pre-review.

  4. The catalog representative reviews the proposal, makes the necessary catalog changes, and forwards to the Registrar.

  5. The Registrar reviews the proposal and forwards to the DARS encoder, who makes needed changes to degree plans and audits.

  6. The DARS encoder forwards to the catalog manager for post-review and final edits.

  7. If there are no students currently enrolled in the program, the program may be deleted.

B. Teach-Out Process

All students enrolled in a banked program, including students from partner institutions if articulation agreements exist, are notified that the program is being banked. The written notification to students includes information outlining the pathways available for students to complete the program within the three-to-four-year banking period. Students who follow the pathways can earn a degree in the banked program. Once a program is deleted, it is not possible to earn a degree in the deleted program.

When banking a program, the department documents the following information with the appropriate college:

  • A list of all affected students in the program, including the time needed for each student to complete the program.

  • Copies of written communications to students notifying them of the program ending and the pathways available to complete the program.

  • If articulation agreements exist, copies of certified letters informing partners of the ending of the program and the agreement.

  • Any additional documentation or notification required by relevant accreditation bodies.

The WSU Higher Learning Commission Academic Liaison Officer and/or the WSU Registrar can be contacted for guidance.

C. Program Reinstatement

A program can be unbanked or reinstated while in banked status. Reinstatement of a banked program requires the following:

  1. The department submits a proposal for reinstatement of a banked program, including a rationale demonstrating need, any proposed program changes, and market analysis supporting the proposal, to the dean through the online curriculum management system.

  2. The dean reviews the proposal. If the dean approves the proposal, they officially notify the P/VPAA and forward to the A2C2 chair (for undergraduate programs) or the Graduate Council chair (for graduate programs) through the curriculum management system.

  3. The A2C2 or Graduate Council committee reviews the proposal and forwards to the catalog manager for pre-review.

  4. The catalog manager reviews the proposal, makes the necessary catalog changes, and forwards to the Registrar.

  5. The Registrar reviews the proposal and forwards to the DARS encoder, who makes needed changes to degree plans and audits.

  6. The DARS encoder forwards to the catalog manager for post-review and final edits.

  7. Once a banked program has been deleted, it cannot be reinstated, but would have to be approved as a new program in accordance with Minnesota State Policy 3-36 and WSU Curricular Changes Policy 3-4.

Related Documents:

Related definitions:

[3-19] Banking:

The process of suspending a course or program, making it temporarily unavailable for new enrollment.

[3-19] Deletion:

The process of permanently removing a course or program so that it is no longer available for enrollment or as a degree program.

[3-19] Unbanking:

The process of reinstating a banked course or program.


Dates of Revisions: 09/27/2005

Adoption date: 03/06/1986
Implementation date: 01/01/2099