Administrative number: 0-3
Responsible office: President’s Office
Responsible officer: University President

[Informational] Presidential approvals (changes log)


This page includes all changes to the Winona State University (WSU) policy website’s listing of official policies and procedures approved by the WSU President since 2016.

Presidential Approvals, 2016 — present:

All links provide access to the policy document; these pages include links to any associated procedures when appropriate. All policies and procedures listed below with a trailing * involved conversion of a legacy regulation; those regulations were retired in conjunction with these adoptions.

Note that there are no links to any repealed (retired) policies, procedures, and regulations, as these are removed from the website. The WSU All-University Policy Committee (UPC) maintains an archive (albeit an incomplete one) of previously published policies, procedures, and regulations; contact the committee’s chair for more information.

2024 Changes

2024-07-26: President Janz approved a recommendation from last year’s UPC chair to amend Procedure 5-17A (“Criminal History Records Information Checks Procedure”) to change the the Point of Contact (POC) and the Authorized Recipient Security Officer for CHRI (ARSO) roles from the Assistant Director of Human Resources to the Associate Director of Security. The chair had accepted the argument from the Human Resources office that this does not represent a significant change that requires stakeholder review.

2024-07-18: President Janz approved adoption of the following:

2024-07-18: President Janz approved retiring (repealing) the following regulations:

2024-07-01: President Janz approved adoption of the following:

2024-04-18: President Janz approved updating a link in this published procedure to ensure students can access the new online WarriorSpace grade appeal form:

2024-03-29: President Janz approved adoption of the following:

2024-01-12: Interim President Janz approved adoption of the following:

2023 Changes

2023-11-07: Interim President Janz approved adoption of the following:

2023-07-24: President Olson approved adoption of the following:

2023-02-23: President Olson approved adoption of the following:

2022 Changes

2022-09-26: President Olson approved adoption of the following:

2020 Changes

2020-07-28: President Olson approved adoption of the following:

2019 Changes

2019-05-27: President Olson approved adoption of the following:

 2019-02-01: President Olson approved adoption of the following:

2019-01-18: President Olson approved adoption of the following:

2018 Changes

2018-11-08: President Olson approved adoption of the following:

2018-05-02: President Olson approved adoption of the following:

2018-04-23: President Olson approved adoption of the following:

2017 Changes

2017-05-23: President Olson approved adoption of the following:

2017-05-17: President Olson approved adoption of the following:

2017-03-01: President Olson approved adoption of the following:

2016 Changes

2016-04-04: President Olson approved adoption of the following:

2016-02-29: President Olson approved adoption of the following:

Historical Notes:

Prior to 2016, the university’s policies were presented as “regulations.” University regulations were reviewed or initiated based on a request from a constituency group or in response to federal or state mandates. Constituency groups or specific task forces drafted the new (or revised the current) regulation. The President’s office then circulated the draft regulation to the constituency groups for review and comment. After taking feedback into account and revising the draft, the University President approved the regulation.

In 2014, WSU established a Policies and Procedures Task Force to examine, consolidate, and revamp the university’s approach to regulations, policies, and procedures. After reviewing the task forces’s recommendations, the university adopted a new protocol for proposing, reviewing, and approving formal policy and procedure documents as first described (and later updated) in the WSU 1-1 Policies and Procedures Policy. This page does not include the adoption of legacy regulations adopted prior to 2016.


Related definitions:

[1-1] All-University Policy Committee:

A committee consisting of representatives from all bargaining units (IFO, ASF, MAPE, AFSCME, MMA), student senate, and the administration.

[1-1] Regulation:

The term that previously referred to all policies and procedures adopted by the university. According to Regulation 1-1 (adopted 12/28/1978 and last revised 9/17/2008), “The term University Regulations refers to those policies and administrative procedures established for the internal operation of WSU under the authority delegated by MnSCU. Encompassed in these regulations are those procedures adopted by the President to facilitate the routine and continuing functions of the University and to implement the governing rules, the internal rules, the system policies, state statutes, state agency rules, and collective bargaining agreements.”

[1-1] University Policy:

A set of principles, positions, and rules having application throughout the university and intended to govern the actions of all employees, faculty, students, visitors, and others who come in contact with the university.

[1-1] University Procedure:

A clear explanation of how a policy is generally implemented at WSU.


Adoption date: 09/01/2015
Implementation date: 07/10/2024