Administrative number: 2-18
Responsible office: Security
Responsible officer: University President

Parking and Traffic Regulation (Retired)

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This regulation establishes parking and traffic regulations for the Winona State University (WSU) campus only.


A. Background

Streets through and around the campus are governed by the applicable state laws and/or City of Winona ordinances. Detailed information is available on the Parking Services website.

B. Parking And Traffic Regulations

1. WSU assumes no responsibility for the care and/or protection of any vehicle or its contents at any time while it is operated or parked on the campus. All vehicles should be locked when left unattended.

2. Parking is prohibited on driveway entrances, sidewalks, landscaped areas, aisles used for entrance or exit (middle lane) and in other areas where parking is prohibited as posted. Exceptions are allowed for state and contractor’s vehicles when necessary to perform duties.

3. Privately owned and other non-university owned vehicles are not allowed to drive on or park in emergency vehicle or maintenance vehicle access routes.

4. Private vehicles are prohibited from parking in areas designated for WSU vehicle parking.

5. Campus parking lots are as identified on a campus map. Changes to this map may be made periodically.

6. All vehicles shall be parked such that the entire vehicle is located within the boundaries of the parking space.

7. Private parking is prohibited in building services areas, such as loading docks.

8. Bicycles shall be parked in bicycle racks or other areas designated for bicycles. Parking on sidewalks or landscaped areas and chaining or otherwise attaching bicycles to trees, buildings, fences, or light poles are prohibited.

9. The speed limit in all WSU parking lots is five (5) miles per hour.

10. Pedestrians shall have the right-of-way at designated crosswalks.

11. Parking permits are available to all students, faculty and staff on a first-come, first-serve basis. Temporary parking spaces for visitors, or other public use, may be established by Parking Services, as needed.

12. Vehicles parked in designated handicapped parking spaces shall display the appropriate certificate or insignia as provided in Minnesota Statutes 169.345, Subd. 3, or the appropriate license plate as provided in Minnesota Statutes 168.021, Subd. 1.

13. Individuals should not park vehicles in lots posted for snow removal or repair. Any vehicle hindering snow removal or repair work may be towed away at the owner’s expense.

14. Any vehicle left unattended for more than thirty days may be towed away at the owner’s expense.

15. Any vehicle parked contrary to these rules may be towed away at the owner’s expense.

16. Responsibility for the enforcement of these regulations is assigned to WSU Parking Services. Anyone desiring to appeal any action of Parking Services in the enforcement of these regulations may do so, in writing, to the Parking Director, Sheehan Hall Lobby.

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Dates of Revisions: 8/18/88, 8/13/07 This regulation was replaced by P&P 2-18 (+A) "Parking and Traffic on Campus" on 07/01/2024.

Adoption date: 11/14/1978
Implementation date: 08/13/2007