Administrative number: 2-13
Responsible office: University Advancement
Responsible officer: Vice President for University Advancement

Name of University Building or Other Facility Regulation (Retired)

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This regulation establishes the procedure for naming buildings and such other facilities as lounges, lobbies, and individual rooms at Winona State University (WSU).


A. Background

The official name for facilities is determined by the Minnesota State College and University (MnSCU) Board of Trustees upon the recommendation of the President of the University. University facilities are appropriately, but not exclusively, named for important historical personages, for individuals who have attained national or international prominence, or for individuals who have made major contributions directly to Winona State University (WSU) through service or other means. The process of naming a building or other facility is an important and highly valued tradition and will occur only after long and extensive consideration.

B. Procedure

The President has designated the Vice President for University Advancement (VPUA) as the administrator responsible for this procedure. Normally, the process will be:

1. A recommendation for the naming of a building or facility will be made to the VPUA. The VPUA may also initiate a request for names. Recommendations shall include a statement supporting the appropriateness of naming the building or facility and extensive background information on the individual identified and recommended for the honor.

2. A request will be sent to constituent groups (Inter-Faculty Organization (IFO), Administrative Service Faculty (ASF), Council 6, Student Senate, Alumni, Foundation and Warrior Club Boards), asking for their recommendations. The VPUA will also ask the Advisory Committee of the Office of University Advancement to assist in reviewing all recommendations and to present a final selection for consideration by the President and the Cabinet.

3. The President’s Cabinet will endorse or reject the recommendation and forward it to the President for immediate action.

4. The President will forward his/her approval to the Chancellor for final consideration and approval.

5. When a building or facility is designated, dedication ceremonies will normally take place in conjunction with annual spring semester commencement activities or at another time appropriate to guests and university schedules.

Related Documents:


Initial Date of Adoption: 10/3/85. Dates of Revisions: 8/18/88, 8/13/07. This regulation was replaced by P&P 2-13 (+A) "Naming of University Buildings and Facilities" on 07/01/2024.

Adoption date: 10/03/1985
Implementation date: 08/13/2007