Administrative number: 2-6
Responsible office: Facilities
Responsible officer: Assistant Vice President for Facilities Management

Maintenance Requests and Requisitions for Building Alterations Regulation


This regulation establishes a procedure to outline the necessary steps when requesting any building alteration work on campus involving the Winona State University (WSU) Facilities Services Department.


A. Maintenance Work Involving Remodeling Or New Construction

The Winona State University (WSU) Facilities Services Request Form is to be filled out whenever there is a request for remodeling or new construction. The following steps are to be followed:

1. The requester fills out the top portion of the form. There has to be a determination as to funding for the project. If departmental funds are to be used, the person responsible for the budget must approve the request. If Repair and Betterment (R&B) funds are to be used, the form needs to be routed through the department head, vice-president/ dean and then to the Vice-President for Finance and Administrative Affairs. The form is then mailed to Facilities Services.

2. Facilities Services reviews the form, decides whether the project can be done, and then determines if the project will be done through a contract or in-house labor.

3. If there is a charge to the department for the request, the form will be returned to the department chairperson with a price estimate. If the department is willing to pay the cost, the form is signed by the responsible person, returned to Facilities, and the project is scheduled.

B. Minor Repairs

Minor repairs or any other needs should be reported to Facilities Services by phone or email.

Related Document:


Dates of Revisions: 8/18/88, 8/13/07

Adoption date: 02/11/1977
Implementation date: 08/13/2007