Administrative number: 3-14A
Responsible office: Academic Affairs
Responsible officer: Chief Academic Officer (CAO)

IFO Professional Development and Evaluation Procedure (Draft)


This policy provides guidance in the professional development and evaluation of Inter Faculty Organization (IFO) members at Winona State University (WSU).

Rationale for Revision and Major Changes:

This procedure draft is a proposed update for a legacy regulation:

(Additional notes forthcoming.)

Stakeholder feedback report:


A. Eligibility

Faculty members submit a Professional Development Report (PDR) according to the IFO Master Agreement, Article 22.

  • Probationary and fixed term faculty prepare and submit a PDR annually.

  • Tenured and non-tenure track faculty below the rank of full professor prepare and submit a PDR every two years.

  • Tenured and non-tenure track faculty at the rank of full professor prepare and submit a PDR every four years.

B. Criteria

The Professional Development Report (PDR), which is based on the faculty member’s Professional Development Plan (PDP), provides evidence of achievement in each of five areas listed in the IFO Master Agreement, Article 22.

    1. Demonstrated ability to teach effectively and/or perform effectively in other current assignments.
    2. Scholarly or creative achievement or research.
    3. Evidence of continuing preparation or study.
    4. Contribution to student growth and development.
    5. Service to the university and community.

Faculty should normally include activities intended to help close educational equity gaps in at least one of the criteria.

C. Timeline

Deadlines for submissions of materials, feedback and recommendations, final decisions, and requested meetings are published in the WSU Academic Calendar

D. Process

  1. Faculty prepare a PDR, with supporting documentation, that is circulated in the faculty member’s department or program for review and commentary.

  2. The faculty member submits a copy of the PDR, without supporting documentation, to the dean or immediate supervisor.

  3. Department members review the materials and complete an Individual Personnel Recommendation Form, commenting on the PDR as it pertains to one or more of the five criteria in the IFO Master Agreement, Article 22. The Individual Personnel Recommendation Form includes the following fields.

    • Commentator’s name
    • Name of faculty member being reviewed
    • Description of the five criteria and space for comments.
    • Signature of commentator and date signed
    • Signature of faculty member being reviewed and date signed.
  4. The faculty member may review and respond to comments in writing.

  5. The department chair sends the original PDR, with comments and supporting documentation, to the dean.

  6. The dean reviews the materials and meets with the faculty member.

  7. The dean prepares a written summary assessing the faculty member’s performance as it relates to the five criteria.

Faculty members who fail to submit the PDR by the deadline will be informed by the dean, in writing, that they have ten duty days to comply.

The tools and procedures used in the professional development process, in addition to supporting the faculty member’s professional growth and development, are also used for personnel decisions on faculty promotion, renewal, and tenure.

Related Documents:


Related definitions:

[3-14] Professional Development Plan (PDP):

A plan for professional development created by the faculty member and based on criteria established in the IFO Master Agreement.

[3-14] Professional Development Report (PDR):

A report describing progress made in achieving objectives specified in the faculty member’s Professional Development Plan.


Date of Revisions: 08/12/1992, 03/28/2011

Adoption date: 05/13/1998
Implementation date: 01/01/2099