Administrative number: 3-13
Responsible office: Academic Affairs
Responsible officer: Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs/Chief Academic Officer

Faculty Promotions (IFO) Regulation

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This regulation establishes the administrative procedures to be used in the promotion of faculty at Winona State University (WSU).


A. Criteria

The criteria to be used in the promotion process shall include:

  1. Demonstrated ability to teach effectively or perform effectively in other current assignments.

  2. Scholarly or creative achievement or research.

  3. Evidence of continuing preparation and study.

  4. Contribution to student growth and development.

  5. Service to the university and community.

Additionally, length of service in rank and at the university may be a factor.

B. Application Process And Timelines

1. The promotion process will follow the guidelines and processes established in Section C., Article 25 of the agreement between Minnesota State Colleges and Universities (MnSCU) Board of Trustees and the Inter-Faculty Organization (IFO).

2. The promotion timelines contained in Section C., Article 25, will also be published in the Academic Deadline Calendar, which is distributed by the Office of the Provost/Vice President of Academic Affairs (P/VPAA) at the beginning of each academic year.

C. Disposition Of Promotion Materials

Following the end of the promotion process the following will be filed in the individual faculty members personnel file:

  1. Application for Promotion.

  2. Departmental/Administrative Recommendation for Promotion.

  3. Individual Promotion Recommendation Forms.

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Date of Revisions: 3/11/83, 11/6/87, 8/18/88, 1/4/89, 8/13/90 12/5/08

Adoption date: 12/06/1982
Implementation date: 12/05/2008