Administrative number: 5-9
Responsible office: Human Resources
Responsible officer: Director of Human Resources

Excused Absence For Unclassified Employees Regulation


This regulation prescribes the procedures to be used by unclassified employees at Winona State University (WSU) requesting authorization to be absent from campus.

Note: This legacy regulation is a candidate for retirement. Comments from the Director of Human Resources:

“This regulation is based on an outdated paper form, replaced by eTime system for submission of leave requests.”


A. Request For Excused Absence

1. WSU Unclassified Personnel Request for Excused Absence Form #SL-30002 will be submitted, in duplicate, to request those types of excused absence from campus as authorized in the appropriate bargaining agreement or pay plan. Forms are available in Mail and Supply.

2. All requests for leave, with the possible exception of sick leave caused by sudden illness, should be submitted early enough to permit processing for approval prior to the absence.

3. It will be the responsibility of the unclassified person to notify the Department Chairperson or supervisor if they are unable to report to the campus because of illness. After a person returns to duty, an excused absence form will be processed. Department Chairpersons will insure that all absences because of illness reported to them are recorded through an excused absence form. A dean/supervisor may require a medical examination, medical certificate or statement from a medical practitioner as deemed necessary for approving the utilization of sick leave.

4. After final action has been taken on a request, the original will be returned to the unclassified employee with the duplicate being retained in the individuals leave file in the Human Resources Office after posting to the leave record. The original of a sick leave request will be returned to the individual after action by the Vice President or Dean, and the duplicate will be forwarded to the Human Resources Office for posting to the leave record and filing.

B. Recording Annual and Sick Leave

1. Annual Leave and Sick Leave balances will be maintained for each unclassified employee as part of their payroll record, with leave activity and balances appearing on the paycheck stub.

2. Vacation and sick leave accruals will be credited in accordance with the appropriate bargaining agreement/plan language.


Dates of Revisions: 02/12/2009

Adoption date: 09/22/1978
Implementation date: 02/12/2009