Administrative number: 3-5
Responsible office: Human Resources
Responsible officer: Director of Human Resources

Employee Tuition Waiver Policy (Draft)


This policy describes how eligible Winona State University (WSU) employees apply for and are granted tuition waivers at WSU and other institutions in the Minnesota State System for themselves and their spouses and dependents on a space available basis.

Rationale for Revision and Major Changes:

(This is for stakeholder review, not for publishing)

This policy draft is a proposed update for a legacy regulation:

The policy now states who is responsible for ensuring that WSU employees will be eligible for these benefits according to their respective bargaining unit contracts, and it provides a link to those contracts. The updated procedure now refers to “spouses” rather than “husbands and wives.” It includes information about taxation implications. The previous regulation included a form (outdated and obsolete); this procedure now refers to an online form to be completed for these tuition waivers. The procedure includes more step-by-step information about how this form is processed.

Suggested Stakeholder feedback deadline:

Feedback should be provided using this WSU form by 11/01/2024.


WSU Employees are eligible for tuition and fee or tuition-only waivers for credit courses as determined by their collective bargaining unit master agreements or personnel plans. Spouses and dependents of eligible employees receive waiver of tuition only. The WSU Human Resources Office is responsible for monitoring employee eligibility and benefit limitations and approving applications for tuition waivers. The WSU Registrar ensures that employees and their dependents use these benefits in accordance with university and system policies and guidelines.

Related definitions:

[3-5] Bargaining Unit:

A group of employees represented by a labor union or association: bargaining units at WSU include

    • American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees (AFSCME) Council 5,
    • Inter Faculty Organization (IFO),
    • Middle Management Association (MMA),
    • Minnesota Association of Professional Employees (MAPE),
    • Minnesota Nurses Association (MNA), and
    • Minnesota State University Association of Administrative and Service Faculty (ASF).
[3-5] Personnel Plan:

A group of employees that are not represented and work at will. At WSU this includes employees in the Administrator’s Plan, Commissioner’s Plan, and Managerial Plan.


Adoption date: 08/18/1988
Implementation date: 01/01/2099