Administrative number: 3-16
Responsible office: President’s Office
Responsible officer: University President

Distribution of Professional Improvement Funds (Administrative Service Faculty – MSUAASF) Regulation


This regulation establishes the method by which members of the Minnesota State University Association of Administrative and Service Faculty (MSUAASF) bargaining unit may apply for professional improvement funds. The authoritative reference for this procedure is Article Fifteen (15) of the Agreement between the Minnesota State Colleges and Universities (MnSCU) Board of Trustees and Administrative Service Faculty (MSUAASF).


A. Grant Criteria

Grants are awarded for “professional improvement or development activities (deemed) to be in the best interest of the university in improving the job-related skills and competence of the ASF member.” Examples of the types of activities that may be proposed for funding include but are not limited to the following:

  • formal coursework;

  • presentations or attendance at workshops, conferences, or short-courses to improve specific job-related skills;

  • travel to other sites for short periods to observe a process, procedure or technology that might improve individual and/or unit performance;

  • or non-formal study, such as licensure, certification and training programs; in-service workshops, researching and writing articles, developing electronic media, etc.

B. Procedure

1. All employees in the Administrative Service Faculty (MSUAASF) bargaining unit are eligible to apply for professional improvement funds. An Application for Professional Improvement Funds should be completed and submitted to the appropriate supervisor and/or vice president. They will make a recommendation to the President on the application. Applications should be submitted according to the dates in the Academic Deadline Calendar. There will be two rounds of applications. Fifty (50) percent of the total funds available each year shall be reserved for a second round of applications.

2. The deadlines for applying will be approved at Meet & Confer, typically occurring the first Monday in March and the first Monday in October (see dates below), and are posted in the Faculty Academic Deadline Calendar (alphabetical order). The deadline for applying does not determine when the funds must be expended; awards may be available for expenditure during either the current or subsequent fiscal year. If the deadline falls on a holiday, the deadline for applying will be the subsequent business day.

Round 1:

  • Deadline to Supervisor: First Monday in October

  • Deadline Supervisors to VP: Third Monday in October

  • Deadline VP to President: First Monday in November

  • President Deadline: Third Monday in November

Round 2:

  • Deadline to Supervisor: First Monday in March

  • Deadline Supervisors to VP: Third Monday in March

  • Deadline VP to President: First Monday in April

  • President Deadline: Third Monday in April

3. The President will review the applications with appropriate supervisors. The President will approve those applications he/she deems to be in the best interest of the University in improving job related skills and competence of the employee. As a factor in the approval process, the President may consider the staffing and programmatic needs of the University. The President’s determination shall be final.

4. Priority will be given to individuals who have not been recent award recipients.

5. The maximum award any individual ASF member may receive is $1,000 in any given fiscal year.

6. At the completion of the program for which professional improvement funds have been awarded the recipient must complete and submit a Professional Improvement Fund Report form thru their supervisor and/or vice president to the President. The report should include comments how the activity contributed to improving his/her jobrelated skills.

7. The Campus Association of Administrative Service Faculty (MSUAASF) will be furnished with a list of the names of employees who have been awarded professional improvement grants and the amount of each grant. This list should be provided as soon as practicable after the grants are made.

8. At the end of the second (subsequent) fiscal year that the funds may be used, all unused funds will be rolled back in to the holding account for reallocation.

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Date of Revisions: 8/18/88, 4/28/93, 8/13/07, 9/11/08, 2/10/11, 1/23/2014, 11/06/14

Adoption date: 08/18/1988
Implementation date: 11/06/2014