Administrative number: 3-29
Responsible office: Academic Affairs
Responsible officer: Chief Academic Officer (CAO)

Course Syllabus Policy (Draft)


This policy describes the course syllabus requirement at Winona State University (WSU).

Rationale for Revision and Major Changes:

This policy draft is a proposed update for a legacy regulation:

The content of this update is nearly identical to the previous regulation, although it has been reorganized.

Stakeholder feedback report:


A course syllabus is required for all WSU credit courses.  Course instructors are responsible for distributing a syllabus to each student enrolled in the course according to the following guidelines:

  • Instructors provide the syllabus within one week of the first class meeting. If the course is offered in a condensed format, the time frame is adjusted accordingly.

  • The syllabus contains all information that the course instructor deems necessary for students to have at the outset of the course.

  • Instructors notify students of any changes in the course syllabus.

The instructor’s policy on syllabus changes is included in the syllabus contents.

Related Documents:

Related definitions:

[3-29] Syllabus:

A document created by course instructors outlining the course contents, requirements, and method of evaluation, used as a resource by students.


Date of Revisions: 08/13/2007

Adoption date: 04/19/1999
Implementation date: 01/01/2099