Administrative number: 3-19B
Responsible office: Academic Affairs
Responsible officer: Chief Academic Officer (CAO)

Course Banking Procedure (Draft)


This procedure describes the requirements and processes involved in banking and unbanking a course at Winona State University (WSU).

Rationale for Revision and Major Changes:

(This is for stakeholder review, not for publishing.)

This procedure draft is a proposed update for a legacy regulation:

(Additional notes forthcoming.)

Stakeholder feedback report:


A. Banking a Course

Courses are independent of academic programs. A program can be banked, but courses within the program can remain active as part of the curriculum of another program or as an elective option.

A course can be banked for five years. A banked course can be reinstated during the banking period but will be deleted at the end of the period. A proposal submitted to bank a course is routed through the curriculum management system in accordance with WSU Policy & Procedure 3-4.

B. Reinstating a Course

A banked or deleted course can be reinstated. Reinstatement of a banked or deleted course requires the submission of a proposal in the curriculum management system in accordance with WSU Policy & Procedure 3-4. Reinstated courses must use the course number and catalog description in effect at the time of banking or deletion.

After a course has been reinstated, all subsequent course content changes are subject to A2C2 and Graduate Council review as a “course notification” or “course revision” proposal in the curriculum management system in accordance with WSU Policy & Procedure 3-4.

Related Documents:

Related definitions:

[3-19] Banking:

The process of suspending a course or program, making it temporarily unavailable for new enrollment.

[3-19] Deletion:

The process of permanently removing a course or program so that it is no longer available for enrollment or as a degree program.

[3-19] Unbanking:

The process of reinstating a banked course or program.


Dates of Revisions: 09/27/2005

Adoption date: 03/06/1986
Implementation date: 01/01/2099