Administrative number: 3-36
Responsible office: President’s Office
Responsible officer: University President

Special Initiative Awards (SIA) Policy and Procedure for ASF (Administrative Service Faculty – MSUAASF) Regulation (Retired)

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This regulation establishes the method by which members of the Minnesota State University Association of Administrative and Service Faculty (ASF) bargaining unit may apply for Special Initiative Awards at Winona State University (WSU). The authoritative reference for this procedure is Article Twelve (12), Section I, Subd. 5, of the Agreement between the Minnesota State Colleges and Universities (MnSCU) Board of Trustees and Administrative Service Faculty (ASF).


A. Eligibility

1. Special Initiative Award (SIA) proposals must involve “a special initiative that is of benefit to the University, its mission, and/or the MnSCU system” and the proposal must “specifically delineate goals” and include “a timeline and assessment plan.”

2. SIA proposals may be submitted by any full-time or part-time individual ASF Member, a group of ASF Members, an ASF department, or ASF members participating in a crossdepartment or a cross-institution collaborative project with other faculty and staff.

3. Written approval of the President must be received prior to beginning work on the initiative.

B. Award Criteria

  1. Potential benefit of the initiative to the University, its mission and/or MnSCU,

  2. The “doability” of the project as proposed,

  3. The comprehensiveness of the assessment plan,

  4. Consideration of other Special Initiative Awards received by the proposing ASF member(s).

C. Procedure

1. Each year a Special Initiative Award (SIA) Committee shall be appointed through the Meet & Confer process. It shall consist of three administrators and two ASF members.

2. A Special Initiative Award Application should be completed and submitted to the appropriate supervisor and/or vice president for their approval.

3. The supervisor and/or vice president shall forward the signed application to the SIA Committee which shall review the applications, provide written suggestions for improvements to applicants if needed, and submit proposals to the President with a recommended dollar amount for the award. The decision of the President is final.

4. The deadlines for the submission and approval process area as follows. If a deadline falls on a weekend, the deadline date is the next business day. (Note: Alternative deadlines may be mutually agreed upon through the Meet and Confer process depending upon what date(s) funding may be made available.)

Round One

  • Proposal to supervisor – July 1
  • Proposal to Committee – July 3
  • Written suggestions for improvements sent by the Committee – July 11
  • Response to Committee – July 18
  • Recommendations to President – July 24
  • Written approval of President received – July 31

Round Two

  • Proposal to supervisor – November 15
  • Proposal to Committee – November 18
  • Written suggestions for improvements sent by the Committee – November 29
  • Response to Committee – Dec 6
  • Recommendations to President – December 12
  • Written approval of President received – December 19

D. Reporting Requirements

1. Members who have been recommended to receive awards must submit final written reports in electronic format to his/her supervisor and the SIA Committee no later than June 1. (Note: Alternative deadlines may be mutually agreed upon through the Meet and Confer process depending upon what date(s) funding may be made available.) The SIA Committee will review the reports and submit to the President a final written recommendation for the amount of the award based upon the work completed and results achieved. The President’s decision is final.

2. Members who receive awards must present the results of their work at a regularly scheduled ASF membership meeting.

3. The Campus Association of Administrative Service Faculty (MSUAASF) will be furnished with a list of the names of employees who have been awarded Special Initiative Awards and the amount of each award. This list should be provided as soon as practicable after the President approves the committee’s recommendations.

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Adoption date: 11/17/2009
Implementation date: 11/10/2011