Administrative number: 3-20
Responsible office: Academic Affairs
Responsible officer: Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs/Chief Academic Officer

Approval of 400G Courses Regulation


This regulation describes how 400G courses are approved at Winona State University (WSU).


A. Background

A department submitting requests for approval of new 40OG courses must clearly state a specific need for the course. Approval of the course by the Graduate Council will be based on the department’s need to: (1) improve their graduate programs, (2) meet the specific requirements of a certification program, or (3) fulfill needed elective requirements requested by other departments.

B. Requirements

In addition, departments having no graduate programs may, through a process of enrolling students in a departmental independent studies course, provide opportunities for graduate students to take 400 level courses for graduate credit. As a requirement for the independent study, graduate students will be required to attend the 400 level class sessions and will be given additional assignments to meet the standards of graduate level scholarship. The transcript will list the independent study number for the department and will include the title of the course attended.

Faculty members teaching 400 level courses that include independent studies students as described above must be approved to teach at the graduate level per WSU Policy and Procedure 3-18. All 400G independent courses as well as the names of the faculty teaching those courses will be presented in the quarterly reports from the deans.


Date of Revisions: 3/13/89, 8/13/07

Adoption date: 03/13/1989
Implementation date: 08/13/2007