Administrative number: 6-4
Responsible office: Office of the President
Responsible officer: Vice President for University Advancement/Executive Director of the WSU Foundation

Alumni Affairs Regulation

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This regulation aims to promote the interests of Winona State University (WSU) and to establish mutually beneficial relations between the University and its alumni. To promote the welfare of the alumni, students, and faculty of WSU and its predecessor, Winona State Teachers College, and Winona Normal School.


A. Administration

The Director of Alumni Affairs supervises and manages the University’s total alumni relations programs, to generate fund-raising, political, and volunteer interest in and support of the mission of WSU, and to provide services to alumni. Major responsibilities include:

1. Development and coordination of alumni reunions and special events.

2. Liaison with Alumni Society Board and chapter officers.

3. Development of suitable data management base for all alumni records.

4. Coordination of an ongoing alumni communications program, which includes -the design and copy writing of direct mail pieces, public speaking, and liaison with chapter members, community residents, university students, faculty, and staff.

5. Serve as principal liaison between the Alumni Society Board and university staff.

B. Procedures

1. The biographical information on WSU alumni will be made available to any faculty or staff for use in promoting the good will between WSU and alumni. Requests for such information should be made by calling or submitting a request to the Director of Alumni Affairs.

2. Any alumni programs originated within the colleges or departments should be cleared through the Office of Alumni Affairs. This will lead to better coordination of efforts, the addition of avenues of communication through the quarterly alumni tabloid, general alumni invitations, including some funding to cover postage and printing costs, etc.

3. The Alumni Affairs Office will offer its services in coordinating alumni functions for faculty and/or administrators traveling to various areas where WSU alumni are located. The Alumni Affairs Office will furnish coordination for such an event, including handouts and university information. The Alumni Affairs Office should be notified by faculty and/or administrators of their future travel plans in order to assist in the planning process.

4. Address change forms designed by the Alumni Affairs Office will be made available to all departmental secretaries to assist in communicating any address changes of alumni. The forms will be filled out by the departmental secretaries and forwarded to the Alumni Affairs Office for maintenance of alumni records.


Date of Revisions: 8/13/07

Adoption date: 08/18/1988
Implementation date: 08/13/2007