Administrative number: 5-6
Responsible office: Human Resources
Responsible officer: Director of Human Resources

University Recognition Program Regulation


This regulation describes how Winona State University (WSU) honors employees whose service with the University has reached ten (10), twenty (20), thirty (30), or forty (40) years and those employees who have retired or have given notice of intent to retire during a given fiscal year. In addition, the President may designate other employees for special honors.


A. Procedure

This event is sponsored by the University as outlined below. The Human Resource Office is responsible for the coordination of this event.

1. Date:

Early April, weekday.

2. Reception:

University sponsored reception will follow the ceremony. For service award purposes, classified employee years of service will be determined on a fiscal year basis (i.e., July I – June 30) and unclassified employee years of service will be determined on an academic year basis (i.e., September 1 – August 31). Years of service will be calculated as total years of employment with the University including periods of layoff and approved leaves of absence. Part-time employees will be considered the same as full-time.

3. Invitations:

General invitations will be sent to all WSU employees and special invitation letters sent to honored guests.

4. Promotion:

Feature article in the WSU Update and a simple program brochure will be developed to hand out at the ceremony.

5. Presentations:

Presidential remarks with certificates, plaques, etc. will be presented by the President assisted by Director of Human Resources and/or Provost/Vice President of Academic Affairs.

6. Awards:

Service awards will be ordered from appropriate state contractors for ten
(10), twenty (20), thirty (30), and forty (40) year employees.

7. Cost:

University pays for awards and refreshments.


Dates of Revisions: 3/18/91, 8/13/07

Adoption date: 08/18/1988
Implementation date: 08/13/2007