Administrative number: 4-4B
Responsible office: Finance and Administration
Responsible officer: Vice President for Finance and Administration

University Facilities Reservations Procedure (Draft)


This procedure describes reservation processes associated with the usage or rental of Winona State University (WSU) facilities outside of their primary educational purpose.

Rationale for Revision and Major Changes:

(This is for stakeholder review, not for publishing)

This procedure draft is a proposed update for a legacy regulation:

This procedure is now limited to the reservation process, while “conditions of use” are described in a separate procedure. The different reservation processes to be used by university vs. non-university entities have been clarified. The detailed reservation “field” items have been removed; these will be specified in the reservation forms.

Suggested Stakeholder feedback deadline:

Feedback should be provided using this WSU form by 11/01/2024.


A. Reservation Requirement

WSU facilities and spaces fall into three categories: public spaces, limited public spaces, and non-public spaces. WSU entities may use available public spaces without a reservation. Reservations are required for all other uses as detailed below:

  • Public spaces may be reserved for use by non-university entities.

  • Limited public spaces may be reserved by university entities as availability permits and by non-university entities as availability permits with at least two weeks’ notice.

  • Non-public spaces may be reserved by university entities as availability permits but are not available to non-university entities unless sponsored or invited by a university entity.

B. Reservation Process for University Entities

  • University entities request reservations by utilizing the WSU online room reservation system.

  • Activities scheduled through the room reservation system are given priority over non-scheduled activities.

  • This process is not intended to limit informal or spontaneous student use of small group study or meeting space.

C. Reservation Process for Non-University Entities

  • Requests for short-term reservations are made by contacting WSU Student Union.

  • Requests for extended-term use are made by contacting WSU Facilities Services.

  • Requests must be made at least two weeks in advance to allow the university to provide the appropriate level of security and support for the event.

  • WSU may require facilities use agreement, proof of insurance, and a cost recovery fee.

  • Contracts created between WSU and non-university entities for the rental or use of WSU facilities do not constitute university or state endorsement of the event or group.

D. Reservation Approval

University entities have priority for using WSU facilities or space, and WSU reserves the right to modify or cancel reservations accordingly.

Reservations may be denied for the following reasons:

  • Requested space is not available.

  • Entity making request has failed to comply with university policies or state or federal laws.

  • Entity making request has damaged university facilities.

Related definitions:

[4-4] Limited Public Spaces:

Spaces within the WSU campus, indoor and outdoor, that are sometimes open to the public, such as the student union and adjacent outdoor space, the gazebo, the library, athletic facilities, meeting rooms, auditoriums, the SLC atrium, conference facilities, performing arts facilities, and visual art galleries.

[4-4] Non-Public Spaces:

Spaces on the WSU campus that are closed to the public such as classroom buildings, offices, and residence halls.

[4-4] Non-University Entities:

Individuals and organizations that are not affiliated with WSU or sponsored by a WSU college, department, or other organizational unit including recognized WSU student organizations.

[4-4] Public Spaces:

Outdoor spaces on the WSU campus that are generally open to the public such as streets, sidewalks, public parking areas, and green spaces.

[4-4] University Entities:

WSU employees; WSU colleges, departments, and other organizational units; recognized WSU student organizations; and university-related foundations and associations.


Dates of Revision: 12/09/2009

Adoption date: 08/18/1988
Implementation date: 01/01/2099