Administrative number: 4-4A
Responsible office: Finance and Administration
Responsible officer: Vice President for Finance and Administration

University Facilities Conditions of Use Procedure (Draft)


This procedure describes the conditions of using university facilities and space at Winona State University (WSU) outside of their primary educational purpose.

Rationale for Revision and Major Changes:

(This is for stakeholder review, not for publishing)

This procedure draft is a proposed update for a legacy regulation:

This procedure is now limited to the conditions of use, while the “reservation process” is described in a separate procedure. The conditions are largely unchanged, although commercial vendors now need to provide 2 weeks (instead of 2 days) notice. The text about scheduling during finals week and graduation has been removed. The new final section on protesting has very similar language to the previous regulation; it has been collected into this section with the new heading.

Suggested Stakeholder feedback deadline:

Feedback should be provided using this WSU form by 11/01/2024.


University and non-university entities may request usage of WSU facilities and space by submitting a reservation request as detailed in University Facilities Reservations Procedure 4-4A. In addition, users must adhere to other rules and conditions of use.

A. Commercial Solicitation

Credit card vendors are not allowed to use WSU facilities or spaces. Use of WSU facilities and space by other commercial vendors and/or for fundraising purposes is subject to conditions including the following:

  1. a reservation fee
  2. limited access by any one vendor
  3. a minimum of two weeks’ notice

B. Distribution and Posting of Literature and Signs

Literature and signs may be posted or distributed subject to the following:

  1. Literature may be distributed in public spaces hand-to-hand or by using tables.
  2. Tables are reserved in advance and do not interfere with pedestrian traffic.
  3. All entities distributing literature in limited public spaces are required to reserve table space and follow other facility specific policies.
  4. Non-university entities distributing or posting literature in non-public spaces must be sponsored by a university organization.
  5. All posted literature or signs must be approved by WSU Facilities.
  6. Posting is not allowed on traffic signs, power poles, trees, or windshields.
  7. All distributed or posted literature complies with university and Minnesota State Policies and applicable federal and state laws.

C. Protests

WSU recognizes and promotes an intellectually open campus and a free exchange of ideas. Protesting is allowed in public and limited public spaces unless it is disruptive or impedes access. WSU places reasonable restrictions on time, place, and manner for acts of expression and dissent. University or non-university entities or individuals that impede or disrupt the operations of the university or the rights of WSU community members will be asked to vacate the premises by WSU Campus Security, law enforcement authority, risk management staff, or other authorized personnel at their discretion.

Related definitions:

[4-4] Limited Public Spaces:

Spaces within the WSU campus, indoor and outdoor, that are sometimes open to the public, such as the student union and adjacent outdoor space, the gazebo, the library, athletic facilities, meeting rooms, auditoriums, the SLC atrium, conference facilities, performing arts facilities, and visual art galleries.

[4-4] Non-Public Spaces:

Spaces on the WSU campus that are closed to the public such as classroom buildings, offices, and residence halls.

[4-4] Non-University Entities:

Individuals and organizations that are not affiliated with WSU or sponsored by a WSU college, department, or other organizational unit including recognized WSU student organizations.

[4-4] Public Spaces:

Outdoor spaces on the WSU campus that are generally open to the public such as streets, sidewalks, public parking areas, and green spaces.

[4-4] University Entities:

WSU employees; WSU colleges, departments, and other organizational units; recognized WSU student organizations; and university-related foundations and associations.


Dates of Revision: 12/09/2009

Adoption date: 08/18/1988
Implementation date: 01/01/2099