Administrative number: 3-5
Responsible office: Human Resources
Responsible officer: Director of Human Resources

Tuition/Fee Waiver Regulation


This regulation details the steps to be taken by faculty/staff who are entitled to enrollment, on a space available basis, in courses at any university in the Minnesota State University System without payment of tuition or fees, except laboratory or special course fees. The faculty/staff member’s spouse or dependents may share this right within the limit established above, with waiver of tuition only.

Note: This legacy regulation is currently being considered for updating to a formal Policy and Procedure set:


A. Eligibility/Limitations

  • Eligibility for tuition waiver is determined by language in the appropriate bargaining agreement/pay
  • plan.
  • Eligible dependents are defined using IRS standards. Spouses and dependents are eligible for waiver
  • of tuition.
  • The waiver is limited to twenty-four (24) credit hours per year. For this purpose, a year is defined as
  • starting the day following the close of Spring Quarter and ending the last day of Spring Quarter of the
  • following year.
  • If both a husband and wife are qualified for tuition waiver, the benefits for dependents double.
  • The tuition waiver can be utilized only for credit courses. Non-credit or CEU-granting courses do not
  • qualify for inclusion in this program.

B. Procedure For Enrollment

  • The employee should request a certificate indicating his/her eligibility for tuition waiver from the
  • Human Resources Office (copy of form attached).
  • After completing the form, the faculty member should forward the form to the Office of Human
  • Resources for certification of eligibility. The original will be returned to the faculty
  • member/dependent and for use at registration and copies forwarded as indicated on the form. If the
  • waiver is requested for a spouse/dependent, the employee should sign the form in the space provided
  • prior to Human Resources approval.
  • If a student does not have an approved tuition waiver form at the time of registration, he/she should
  • pay the tuition and if the tuition waiver form is turned in within ten (10) days of registration, an
  • appropriate refund will be made.

C. Authoritative References

Agreements between MSUB and IFO, MSUAASF/Teamsters Local 320, AFSCME Council 6, MMA, MNA, and the Confidential/ Managerial employee compensation plans

This WSU regulation supersedes WSU Regulation 3-5, dated August 18, 1988.


Darrell W. Krueger, President

D. Tuition Waiver Form

Winona State University

  • Employee Name:
  • SSN:
  • Student Name:
  • Student SSN:
  • Relationship:
  • # of Graduate Credits of Undergraduate Credits Quarter:

If Waiver is to be utilized at a State University other than Winona State please indicate school.

NOTE: Dependents/spouse eligible for waiver of tuition only. 24 credits per year. Year begins lst Summer Session and ends Spring Quarter.


I certify the recipient of this waiver ismy legal dependent/spouse in accordance with IRS regulations and will be claimed as such on my income tax form.

  • Employee Signature Date
  • Human Resources Authorization
  • White: Human Resources
  • Green: Business Office
  • Yellow: Marie Bush
  • Pink: Financial Aid
  • Goldenrod: Employee


This WSU regulation supersedes WSU Regulation 3-5, dated August 18, 1988

Adoption date: 08/18/1988
Implementation date: 08/18/1988