Administrative number: 8-3
Responsible office: Finance and Administration
Responsible officer: Vice President for Finance and Administration

Smoking/Smokeless Tobacco Usage Policy Regulation


This regulation describes Winona State University (WSU) as a tobacco-free campus.


Winona State University is a community of learners improving our world. In accordance with our mission, we are devoted to improving the health and well-being of our campus community by setting an example of healthy practice. In order to conform to the Minnesota Statute 16B.24, Subdivision 8 [Smoking in State Buildings] and to demonstrate the core value of health and wellness at Winona State University (WSU), we will provide a safe and healthy environment for work and study for students, employees and visitors by making WSU a fully tobacco-free campus.

Smoking/smokeless tobacco usage includes all tobacco products, such as the carrying of a lighted cigarette, cigar or pipe; the use of other lighted smoking materials; and/or the use of any smokeless tobacco products such as chewing tobacco, snuff, smokeless pouches or other forms of loose leaf tobacco.

A. Policy

1. Smoking/smokeless tobacco usage is prohibited in all campus buildings including academic and administrative buildings, the student union, and all residence halls including private rooms and campus-owned apartments.

2. Smoking and the use of smokeless tobacco is prohibited in all university-owned vehicles.

3. Smoking and the use of smokeless tobacco is prohibited on all university properties, including outdoor athletic facilities.

4. The sale of tobacco products on campus is prohibited, as well as the free distribution of tobacco products on campus, including fraternities and sororities.

5. Tobacco advertisements are prohibited in WSU-sponsored publications and tobacco companies are prohibited from sponsoring any University event.

B. Smoking/Smokeless Tobacco Cessation Programs

WSU makes a strong commitment to work with employees to arrange a flexible work schedule that will allow for participation in structured smoking/smokeless tobacco usage cessation programs for those who wish to reduce and/or quit using tobacco products. A listing of community resources for cessation programs is available in the Office of Human Resources.

Students are encouraged to contact the Student Health Service for information about available cessation programs and services.

C. Enforcement

Enforcement of this policy will depend upon the cooperation of all faculty, staff and students as well as campus visitors not only to ensure that WSU becomes truly tobacco-free but also to help and encourage others to comply with the policy. The University will develop training programs to assist and prepare students and employees to help one another honor the tobacco-free environment that this policy supports.

In the event of a violation, the person will be informed of the WSU Tobacco-Free Campus Policy. Should that person continue to violate the policy, a report should be made to the appropriate office; in the case of an employee, to that person’s supervisor; in the case of a student, to the Student Conduct Officer; in the case of a visitor, to Campus Security. Employees who violate the policy shall be subject to discipline in accordance with the appropriate bargaining agreement. Students who violate the policy will be reviewed through the student judicial process and may expect either a fine or a requirement to perform community service in the form of a suitable project that addresses some aspect of health and safety.

D. Implementation Date

The new policy will be implemented at the start of the spring semester, January 12, 2009. A small team will meet during the fall 2008 semester to prepare a plan to guide the implementation.

Related Documents

Initial Date of Adoption: 11/19/93
Date of Revisions: 8/20/01, 8/13/07, 8/25/08, 10/9/13


Date of Revisions: 8/20/01, 8/13/07, 8/25/08, 10/9/13

Adoption date: 11/19/1993
Implementation date: 08/25/2008