Administrative number: 3-29
Responsible office: Academic Affairs
Responsible officer: Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs

Syllabus Policy Regulation


This regulation establishes a policy for course syllabus for for-credit courses offered by Winona State University (WSU) in accordance with Minnesota State College and University System (MnSCU) policy.

Note: This legacy regulation is currently being considered for updating to a formal Policy and Procedure set:


A. Course Syllabus Requirement And Timeframe

Each student enrolled in a for-credit course offered by WSU will be provided a course syllabus by the course instructor within one (1) week of the first class meeting. When courses are offered in condensed format, the time frame for distribution of the syllabus shall be adjusted accordingly.

B. Course Syllabus Contents

The syllabus will contain the information concerning the course that the instructor deems necessary for students to have at the outset of the course.

C. Changes In Course Syllabus

Instructors may make changes in the course syllabus and will announce such changes to students. The course instructor’s policy on syllabus changes will be included in the syllabus contents.

Related Documents


Date of Revisions: 8/13/07

Adoption date: 04/19/1999
Implementation date: 08/13/2007