Administrative number: 3-34B
Responsible office: Center for Global Education
Responsible officer: Associate Vice President for Academic Affairs

Study Away, Semester Programs Procedure

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This procedure describes the process used at Winona State University (WSU) for development and administration of summer and semester study away programs, international or domestic.


A. Rights, Obligations, And Limitations Of Study Away Program Roles

1. All participants on a summer or semester study away program

Participants on a summer or semester study away program may:

    • request reasonable accommodations

Participants on a summer or semester study away program shall:

    • have a current passport valid for at least six months past the end date of the international program, or a government-issued ID for domestic programs
    • be responsible for all expenses to obtain or update their passport
    • be responsible for all expenses to obtain a required visa
    • provide a scan of the passport photo page to Study Abroad prior to the date of departure
    • complete liability waiver/release, medical information, and other forms as indicated by Study Abroad prior to departure
    • be covered by health insurance for international programs
    • determine if their medications that are legal in the U.S. are legal in the host location
    • be subject to the laws of the host country
    • be subject to the rules and regulations of the host institution
    • comply with all applicable WSU policies, rules, and regulations while off campus; participants engaging in misconduct shall be subject to disciplinary action upon their return to campus

Participants on a summer or semester study away program may not:

    • provide alcohol to an underage person or possess illegal drugs; violators will be subject to disciplinary action either before or after return to campus

2. Students

Students applying for, enrolling in, or participating in a summer or semester study away program may:

    • complete the student petition process when applications are denied due to not meeting minimum eligibility requirements, submitting a written statement to Study Abroad with a rationale for waiving requirements and allowing the application process to proceed
    • use financial aid in accordance with Financial Aid policies
    • purchase cancellation insurance at their own expense to avoid cancellation penalties

Students applying for, enrolling in, or participating in a summer or semester study away program shall:

    • complete and submit to Study Abroad voluntary pre-departure health disclosures; these shall be shared with program providers prior to departure
    • follow the established student application process to participate in any study away program, including direct-enroll programs.
    • pay a non-refundable application fee when submitting a summer or semester study away application
    • submit a confirmation deposit within one month of the WSU application deadline after being accepted for a summer or semester program
    • be liable for the full payment of the program fee following the deadline established by Study Abroad, even after choosing to withdraw from the program before it begins
    • obtain and pay for their own passports
    • obtain and pay for their own visas for semester programs
    • complete a Student Pre-Departure Workshop before the program commences
    • adhere to the current WSU Study Abroad cancellation policy

Students applying for, enrolling in, or participating in a study away program may not:

    • apply a tuition waiver for a semester program since the credits are transferred into WSU as transfer credit, not resident credit

3. Study Abroad Office

Study Abroad may:

    • allow the consideration of late student applications only in unusual circumstances
    • use a third-party provider to assist with travel arrangements, accommodations, and other on-site activities to provide WSU students access to an approved semester program.
    • consider homestays arranged by a third-party provider as an accommodations option
    • book accommodations prior to the program’s departure
    • cancel a student’s participation in a study away program if the student has not paid all program fees in full three weeks prior to departure; if the student provides documentation regarding the ability to cover the remaining balance (e.g. financial aid, accepted grants, loans, or scholarships), Study Abroad may allow the student to participate in the program even with an outstanding balance prior to departure
    • declare a study away program cancellation in the event of extenuating circumstances
    • facilitate the student pre-departure workshop for participants and document participation

Study Abroad shall:

    • be responsible for financial management of all study away programs, collaborating with other WSU offices as appropriate.
    • establish the student application process for any study away program.
    • establish and publish the minimum eligibility requirements, including minimum GPA requirements, to be evaluated in student applications for study away programs
    • review applications for semester programs to ensure a student meets minimum eligibility requirements and may approve, waitlist, or deny an applicant.
    • review and approve in conjunction with the Legal Affairs office all third-party provider contracts before they are signed by the Business Office
    • request all Study Abroad participants to complete voluntary pre-departure health disclosures
    • share voluntary student health disclosures with the program provider
    • enroll all students in approved international programs in the U.S. State Department Smart Traveler Enrollment Program (STEP).
    • cancel an international program if the State Department Travel Advisory changes to Level 3 or 4 before it has commenced

Study Abroad may not:

    • wait-list, deny, or otherwise discourage an applicant for a study away program because of a real or perceived disability or health-related issue including, but not limited to, a documented mental, physical, or emotional status in violation of ADA and HIPAA regulations

B. Cancellation And Refund Policies

Study Abroad will establish cancellation and refund policies. Students will be informed of these policies in the application process and must electronically agree.

C. Program Approval

The Study Abroad office (Study Abroad) shall maintain a WSU-approved summer and semester program list and review it each summer in order to add, remove, retain, or suspend programs as appropriate. Program review may include, but is not limited to, integration with the WSU mission and curriculum, academic credits, enrollment criteria, safety and security assessment, and student learning outcomes.

The Study Abroad Committee shall review the revised list at its first meeting in Fall semester.

Information provided about each program will include a rationale for retaining or dropping programs, as well as:

  • the program title and locations,

  • host institutions and sponsoring organizations,

  • the program terms (e.g., summer, semester or year), and

  • Study Abroad program review notes.

The Study Abroad Committee may also request additional information as desired, such as:

  • the mission or purpose of the program, along with a brief description,

  • its academic character, including course options, credits, and types of learning experiences,

  • issues of health and safety, including program staffing on site, access to and quality of medical care, and risk management protocols,

  • likely degree of student interest, including specific major/minor, or specific program admission criteria such as enrollment data during the past three years,

  • student evaluations of the program, and

  • program costs beyond the comprehensive fee.

Study Abroad reserves the right to cancel a program at any time. Study Abroad shall establish deadlines for applying to all summer and semester programs and publish them in the Application and Enrollment Management System (AEMS).

D. Student Eligibility, Application, Cancellation and Refunds in Semester/Summer Programs

Participation in any of the approved off-campus programs is available to any qualified student who agrees in writing to comply with the policies and procedures of WSU and Study Abroad. This required document is accessible in the AEMS. Study Abroad establishes minimum eligibility requirements a student shall meet in order to study away. Students with an overall WSU GPA below 2.5 may use the student petition process to request a waiver of GPA eligibility requirements. The student should meet with staff in Study Abroad to review program options and understand application, financial, and cancellation procedures for summer and semester programs.

The student shall review available programs and submit an application in the AEMS by the posted deadline. After Study Abroad approves the applicant for participation in the program, the applicant may apply to the external program. Late applications may be considered in unusual circumstances by requesting approval from Study Abroad. A student may study away for a summer, semester or academic year only on WSU-approved programs. A student may submit a request to Study Abroad to apply to a non-approved program; the request shall demonstrate a valid academic rationale and be supported by the student’s academic major advisor.

An accepted student shall complete an online pre-departure orientation facilitated by Study Abroad prior to departure. If not completed, the student will lose WSU approval to participate in the program.

Students shall adhere to the current WSU Study Abroad Cancellation Policy.

E. Program Fees and Billing

A student participating in a third-party provider program pays a program fee that may include host costs for tuition, room and meal plan on site (when relevant) as well as other program-related costs depending on the specific program selected. A student participating in a WSU exchange program pays WSU tuition. A student shall pay room and board to the host institution.

A student shall pay a non-refundable application fee when submitting the WSU application; specific institutional partner or third-party provider programs may also require a non-refundable application fee. A student shall submit a confirmation deposit within one month of the WSU application deadline. This deposit is applied to the cost of the program and is non-refundable if the student later withdraws from the program. Application fees and confirmation deposits shall be paid directly to WSU by the student. Study Abroad provides WSU Student Accounts office the study abroad program fee amounts to bill students. The WSU Student Accounts office shall bill students for the program cost. The WSU Cashier’s Office shall collect all course tuition and program fees. No other WSU employee may collect monies directly from students.

F. Credits and Grades

Credit earned by the student on approved programs will normally transfer as credit toward graduation and may fulfill major/minor requirements subject to academic departmental approval. This approval is sought by completing the Academic Evaluation Form (part of the pre-decision process) prior to departure. All approved study away program coursework transfers back to WSU and is calculated in the transfer GPA. Transfer credit is awarded only after receipt of an official transcript from the host institution.

A student on a summer or semester program must be registered as a full-time student and normally complete the same number of courses on an off-campus program as they would on the home campus. Courses completed on summer, semester or academic year programs may not be taken for pass/no credit (P/NC) unless that is the only grading option available for the course. A student taking a course on a P/NC basis shall notify Study Abroad prior to taking the course. In all other cases, a student on a summer, semester or academic year programs shall register only for letter grades and may not use the P/NC option. Letter grades cannot be switched to the P/NC option.

Courses taken at the host institution may not be a repeat of previous coursework or at a lower academic level than previous coursework, except in rare cases and with prior approval from the Registrar or the student’s academic department. Courses shall be appropriate for a university curriculum (e.g., no intermediate algebra or remedial classes). Study Abroad enrolls students in the study abroad course STAB301 during the term they are abroad. They remain a WSU student for the term they are studying abroad. A student who wishes to participate in a program that is not on the WSU Study Abroad Approved Program list may petition to the Director of Study Abroad to participate. Petitions will be granted in rare circumstances and only if there is academic rationale to participate. A student who leaves WSU to enroll in a program that is not on the WSU Approved Program List may transfer credits subject to approval by the Registrar and the major department. WSU financial aid does not apply for a student who leaves WSU to participate in a program that is not on the WSU Approved Program List. WSU will not accept transfer credit if the program occurs in a country for which the U.S. State Department has issued a level 3 or 4 Travel Advisory. A student who has not attended WSU for one semester or more (summer excluded) is classified as a “returning” student and must follow WSU procedures for return/re-entry.

H. Health and Safety

If an unavoidable event such as epidemic, pandemic (e,g, influenza), civil unrest, threat of terrorist activity, or other unforeseen occurrence results in removal of students from the program site after the program has commenced, WSU and Study Abroad shall make every effort to ensure program continuity at a safe location. In extreme cases, this may entail making arrangements to get the student home as quickly and judiciously as possible.

Students are granted approval to study off-campus for a semester in locations that have a U.S. State

Department Travel Advisory Level 1 or 2. Exceptions shall be approved by the Associate Provost or Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs, in consultation with the appropriate campus committees and the Provost’s office. Should a change in advisory level to a 3 or 4 come into effect prior to the beginning of a program, students shall work with Study Abroad to make alternate plans. If an advisory level changes to a level 3 or 4 during the time a WSU student is in the destination, Study Abroad will work with the appropriate authorities—including embassy or consulate personnel, on-site providers, or others— to determine the best course of action to reduce risk.

Students on WSU exchange or direct-enroll programs will be enrolled in WSU’s insurance. This insurance will serve as primary health insurance in the host country and will provide medical benefits for injury and sickness. Students on Study Abroad third-party provider programs have health insurance included in the cost of their program fee. In these cases, the third-party provider will share details and information about the health insurance policy with the student.

In cases of illness of a student, the resident director or host institution international education office will consult with local medical authorities regarding hospitalization and treatment. In emergency situations, the resident director or host institution international education office will authorize surgery, but in nonemergency situations will only order surgery if authorized by the student’s parent or guardian. If, in the judgment of local medical staff, serious illness warrants return to the student’s home, the resident director or host institution international education office, in conjunction with the WSU Study Abroad office, will make the necessary arrangements for such return.

All program participants shall comply with the WSU Alcohol and Drug Policy. Violations of this policy or additional safety policies established by the on-site providers may be addressed in one or more of the following ways:

  1. Restricted or supervised involvement in subsequent activities during the program period.

  2. Dismissal from the program. Underage or illegal use of alcohol or other drugs are grounds for such dismissal.

  3. Financial restitution for damaged property.

  4. University disciplinary proceedings upon return to campus.

Related definitions:

[3-34] AEMS:

See Application and Enrollment Management System.

[3-34] Application and Enrollment Management System (AEMS)::

A software and database package used by Study Abroad for maintaining all student and faculty documents required to propose, apply for, and deliver a study away program, including but not limited to faculty-led program proposals, program information, student applications, participant information and faculty recommendation forms.

[3-34] Direct-Enroll Program:

A semester program coordinated by Study Abroad and conducted at an international university in which a student enrolls directly rather than through a third-party provider.

[3-34] Financial Aid:

A grant, scholarship, or loan issued to a student through WSU to meet university expenses.

[3-34] Guest Student:

An individual enrolled in a higher education institution other than WSU or Minnesota State who is not formally admitted to a WSU degree, licensure, or certificate program but has been given guest status in order to participate in a study away program. Also see visiting student.

[3-34] Health Insurance:

A healthcare and prescription drug plan provided by WSU for all participants in Direct Enroll, Exchange, and international faculty-led programs. This insurance serves as primary health insurance in the host country and provides medical benefits for injury and sickness. Prescription drugs are covered at 100%. Participants shall normally pay for their medical costs on-site, and the insurance provider shall provide reimbursement for submitted receipts.

[3-34] HIPAA (Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act):

A U.S. law that protects individual health information and medical records and provides guidelines on when and how health information may be disclosed.

[3-34] Medical Withdrawal:

The need for a student to cancel further participation in a study away program.

[3-34] Program Fee:

The cost students are billed for an approved program.

[3-34] Reasonable Accommodations:

Adjustments to systems made in accordance with laws established by the Americans with Disabilities Act and implemented by the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission to ensure equal access for individuals with disabilities. Some reasonable accommodations may not be available at international destinations.

[3-34] SAC:

See Study Abroad Committee.

[3-34] Semester Program:

A study away program offered by an institutional partner or a third-party provider, including direct-enroll programs.

[3-34] State Department Travel Advisory:

An assessment from the U.S. Department of State regarding safety and risk conditions regarding travel in a foreign country. Current federal guidelines define four levels of travel advisories:

  • Level 1: Exercise Normal Precautions.
  • Level 2: Exercise Increased Caution.
  • Level 3: Reconsider Travel.
  • Level 4: Do Not Travel.
[3-34] Student:

An individual admitted to WSU and eligible to take courses for academic credit.

[3-34] Student Application:

A formal request made by a student in the AEMS to enroll in a study away program. Students may complete the student petition process when applications are denied due to not meeting minimum eligibility requirements.

[3-34] Student Application Fee:

A non-refundable payment made by a student to WSU when submitting an application for a study away program. Some institutional partner and third-party provider programs may require additional application fees.

[3-34] Student Application Process:

The submission and evaluation of completed forms by a student in the AEMS to apply for a study away program.

[3-34] Student Petition Process:

The submission and evaluation of a student request to reconsider the disqualification from participating in a study away program due to not meeting the minimum eligibility requirements.

[3-34] Study Abroad:

See Study Abroad Office.

[3-34] Study Abroad Committee:

A standing committee of the WSU Faculty Association Senate that reviews and makes recommendations in support of the mission of the Center for Global Education, including review and approval of the approved program list for semester study away programs.

[3-34] Study Abroad Office:

A department within the Center for Global Education that assists students who want to enroll in study away programs and faculty who propose and execute faculty-led programs. Also referred to as “Study Abroad.”

[3-34] Study Away Program:

A credit-bearing course or program sponsored and administratively supported by WSU in which participants travel off-campus in connection with an educational experience. Study away programs in the approved program list include faculty-led programs and semester programs. Educational activities may include, but are not limited to, a combination of classroom study, educational tours, research, internships, and/or community-based learning. Also known at WSU as a “study away,” study abroad,” education abroad,” or “off-campus study program.”

[3-34] Study Away Program Cancellation:

A decision to not offer an approved study away program prior to its commencement.

[3-34] Third-Party Provider:

An organization or individual facilitating or administering a study away program through contractual agreements with WSU.

[3-34] Travel Study:

See faculty-led program.

[3-34] WSU Crisis Management Plan for Off-Campus Study Programs:

A master plan for responding to crises that occur when WSU faculty and students are on study away programs overseen by Study Abroad.

Authorizing Policy:


Dates of Revisions: 04/26/2010.

Adoption date: 09/17/2009
Implementation date: 02/28/2023