Administrative number: 3-34
Responsible office: Center for Global Education
Responsible officer: Associate Vice President for Academic Affairs

Study Away Programs Policy


To establish policies at Winona State University (WSU) for the development and administration of international or domestic off-campus study programs, offered for academic credit.


WSU study away programs support the WSU mission and curriculum. WSU procedures for study away programs comply with Minnesota State Policy 3.41 and Procedure 3.41.1 for Education Abroad Programs, and with applicable WSU policies and procedures. The Center for Global Education retains all records relating to study away programs in accordance with applicable records retention schedules.

Related Documents

Related definitions:

[3-34] Approved Program List:

The list of study away programs that have received approval from Winona State. The Approved Programs have been reviewed by the Faculty-led Study Away Programs Subcommittee, or the Study Abroad Committee.

[3-34] Direct-Enroll Program:

A semester program coordinated by Study Abroad and conducted at an international university in which a student enrolls directly rather than through a third-party provider.

[3-34] Faculty-Led Program (FLP):

A study away program in which the course instruction is provided by one or more WSU faculty members. Faculty-led programs are also referred to as “Travel Study” programs at WSU. Faculty-led programs may be conducted within the United States or abroad. Faculty-led programs involve the delivery of a course or a set of courses that are

  • listed in the WSU academic catalog following the established processes for curricular change,
  • taught off campus for all or most of the program’s duration, and
  • specifically designed to capitalize on the experiential learning opportunities uniquely available at the off-campus location.
[3-34] Faculty-led Study Away Programs Subcommittee (FLPS):

A standing committee of the WSU Faculty Association Senate that makes recommendations to its parent assembly on faculty-led program proposals. Formerly known as Travel Study Advisory Committee (TSAC).

[3-34] Institutional Partner:

A domestic or international organization which has signed a memorandum of understanding (MOU) with WSU for the purposes of student exchange, student direct enrollment, and visiting faculty opportunities. A university may serve as an institutional partner.

[3-34] Semester Program:

A study away program offered by an institutional partner or a third-party provider, including direct-enroll programs.

[3-34] Study Abroad:

See Study Abroad Office.

[3-34] Study Abroad Committee:

A standing committee of the WSU Faculty Association Senate that reviews and makes recommendations in support of the mission of the Center for Global Education, including review and approval of the approved program list for semester study away programs.

[3-34] Study Abroad Office:

A department within the Center for Global Education that assists students who want to enroll in study away programs and faculty who propose and execute faculty-led programs. Also referred to as “Study Abroad.”

[3-34] Study Away Program:

A credit-bearing course or program sponsored and administratively supported by WSU in which participants travel off-campus in connection with an educational experience. Study away programs in the approved program list include faculty-led programs and semester programs. Educational activities may include, but are not limited to, a combination of classroom study, educational tours, research, internships, and/or community-based learning. Also known at WSU as a “study away,” study abroad,” education abroad,” or “off-campus study program.”

[3-34] Third-Party Provider:

An organization or individual facilitating or administering a study away program through contractual agreements with WSU.


Dates of Revisions: 04/26/2010.

Adoption date: 09/17/2009
Implementation date: 02/23/2023