Administrative number: 3-34A
Responsible office: Center for Global Education
Responsible officer: Associate Vice President for Academic Affairs

Study Away, Faculty-led Programs Procedure

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This procedure describes the process for development, approval, implementation, and administration of faculty-led off-campus study programs at Winona State University (WSU).


A. Rights, Obligations, and Limitations Of Study Away Program Roles:

1. All participants on a faculty-led study away program

Participants on a faculty-led study away program may:

    • request reasonable accommodations
    • ride in rental vehicles paid for by WSU

Participants on a faculty-led study away program shall:

    • have a current passport valid for at least six months past the end date of the international program, or a government-issued ID for domestic programs
    • be responsible for all expenses to obtain or update their passport
    • be responsible for all expenses to obtain a required visa if they are international citizens
    • provide a scan of the passport photo page to Study Abroad prior to the date of departure
    • complete liability waiver/release, medical information, and other forms as indicated by Study Abroad prior to departure
    • normally travel as a group at all times from the initial departure to the conclusion of the program; participants may request a travel deviation from Study Abroad
    • be covered by faculty-led program health insurance for international programs
    • determine if their medications that are legal in the U.S. are legal in the host location
    • be subject to the laws of the host country
    • be subject to the rules and regulations of the host institution
    • comply with all applicable WSU policies, rules, and regulations while off campus; participants engaging in misconduct shall be subject to disciplinary action upon their return to campus

Participants on a faculty-led study away program may not:

    • serve as a child care provider
    • provide alcohol to an underage person or possess illegal drugs; violators will be subject to disciplinary action either before or after return to campus

2. Approved accompanying family members on a faculty-led study away program

For the purposes of this policy and its accompanying procedures, all child-care providers shall have the same rights, obligations, and limitations as accompanying family members while traveling in conjunction with a faculty-led study away program.

Accompanying family members on a faculty-led study away program may:

    • serve as a child care provider

Accompanying family members on faculty-led study away program shall:

    • be responsible for all travel expenses, including obtaining or updating their passport and any necessary visas

Accompanying family members on faculty-led study away program may not:

    • ride in any rental vehicles paid for by WSU
    • provide alcohol to an underage person or possess illegal drugs

3. Co-instructors on a faculty-led study away program

Co-instructors assisting Faculty Leaders delivering a faculty-led study away program may:

    • drive rental vehicles at domestic and international locations if they are WSU approved drivers and have received prior approval of Study Abroad
    • use credit cards to obtain cash from ATMs during the duration of the program.
    • prohibit all alcohol consumption for any student(s) on the program, or portions thereof, or during specific activities.
    • attend a faculty-led pre-departure workshop before the program commences

Co-instructors assisting Faculty Leaders delivering a faculty-led study away program shall:

    • understand and comply with WSU procedures to enable health and safety reporting required by Minnesota Statutes § 5.41, the Clery Act, and other relevant reporting requirements such as under Public Law 92-318 (informally known as Title IX)
    • defer to the judgment and decisions of a faculty leader during the delivery of the program

Co-instructors assisting Faculty Leaders delivering a faculty-led study away program may not:

    • seek to provide additional faculty leader or co-instructor opportunities in violation of the Minnesota State policy on nepotism
    • share a room within an accommodation with any student or community member
    • carry large amounts of cash or WSU checks to the destination without prior approval from the Business Office.
    • sign a contract with a third-party provider

4. Community Members on a faculty-led study away program

For the purposes of this policy and its accompanying procedures, all community members accepted for and enrolled in a faculty-led study away program shall have the same rights, obligations, and limitations as students while participating in the program.

5. Faculty Leaders

Faculty Leaders proposing and delivering a faculty-led study away program may:

    • implement additional minimum eligibility requirements criteria
    • request approval from Study Abroad to take an accompanying family member
    • request approval from Study Abroad to take a co-instructor
    • allow a community member to apply for and enroll in the program
    • confer with Study Abroad about providing appropriate and available reasonable accommodations for approved participants with documented disabilities
    • drive rental vehicles at domestic and international locations if they are WSU approved drivers and have received prior approval of Study Abroad
    • use credit cards to obtain cash from ATMs during the duration of the program.
    • prohibit all alcohol consumption for any student on the program, or portions thereof, or during specific activities

Faculty Leaders proposing and delivering a faculty-led study away program shall:

    • specify in advance all potential faculty members who might serve as additional faculty leaders, as well as all potential co-instructors and accompanying family members.
    • collaboratively develop with Study Abroad the program budget and promotional materials
    • collaboratively develop with Study Abroad the program logistics, such as transportation, room and board, airport transfers, and the overall itinerary
    • review applications through the AEMS to decide if a student should be approved, waitlisted, or denied for enrollment in their program
    • take the primary role in recruiting students and approving their applications for the program
    • understand and comply with the WSU Crisis Management Plan for Off-Campus Study Programs, the WSU Alcohol and Other Drug Policy, and the Minnesota State Board of Trustees Code of Conduct.
    • understand and comply with WSU procedures to enable health and safety reporting required by Minnesota Statutes § 5.41, the Clery Act, and other relevant reporting requirements such as under Public Law 92-318 (informally known as Title IX)
    • attend a faculty-led pre-departure workshop before the program commences
    • clarify to students the WSU standards and expectations regarding the use and abuse of alcohol and other drugs and the consequences of noncompliance.
    • facilitate the student pre-departure workshop for all FLP participants
    • inform students about the laws and regulations of the destination state or country
    • submit documents requested by Study Abroad including liability waiver and release, medical information form, passport information, and emergency contact information
    • inform Study Abroad of any change in individual or program contact information
    • ensure all dependent children under the age of 16 are accompanied by a child-care provider
    • be responsible for all travel expenses and insurance coverage of an accompanying family member and/or child-care provider.
    • provide Study Abroad with evidence of insurance coverage for all accompanying children and child-care providers
    • adhere to the expectations for meeting contact hour requirements, participating in all curricular and co-curricular activities and excursions, and providing emergency support for enrolled student participants
    • function as a Campus Security Authority (CSA) for the duration of the program and complete a CSA Form on completion of the program
    • immediately contact Study Abroad in cases of hospitalizations, injuries, theft, sexual assault, or any incident that affects the health or safety of any program participant
    • be covered under State of MN Workers Compensation if they are in compliance with WSU and State of Minnesota policies
    • serve as the on-site financial manager, managing discretionary funds, keeping financial records, and making payments that have not been pre-paid
    • carry a WSU credit card during the duration of the program
    • generally access cash from ATMs on-site using the WSU credit card, complying with daily and per-transaction maximums as established by the Business Office
    • follow WSU Business Office guidelines for payments of cash stipends and gratuities
    • file all faculty-led post-program reports to Study Abroad in a timely fashion
    • reimburse WSU for all expenditures paid by WSU for unauthorized purchases or when lacking receipts

Faculty Leaders proposing and delivering a faculty-led study away program may not:

    • seek to provide additional faculty leader or co-instructor opportunities in violation
    • of the Minnesota State policy on nepotism
    • wait-list, deny, or otherwise discourage an applicant for a study away program because of a real or perceived disability or health-related issue including, but not limited to, a documented mental, physical, or emotional status in violation of ADA and HIPAA regulations.
    • require student participants to fundraise for the course or to base any grade or course component on their participation in fundraising efforts
    • share a room within an accommodation with any student or community member
    • carry large amounts of cash or WSU checks to the destination without prior approval from the Business Office
    • sign a contract with a third-party provider

6. Students

Students applying for, enrolling in, or participating in a faculty-led program may:

    • complete the student petition process when applications are denied due to not meeting minimum eligibility requirements, submitting a written statement to Study Abroad with a rationale for waiving requirements and allowing the application process to proceed
    • use financial aid in accordance with Financial Aid policies
    • apply a tuition waiver to faculty-led programs, as these credits are granted by
    • WSU
    • purchase cancellation insurance at their own expense to avoid cancellation penalties
    • drive rental vehicles to or at domestic destinations if they are WSU approved drivers and have received prior approval of Study Abroad

Students applying for, enrolling in, or participating in a study away program shall:

    • complete and submit to Study Abroad voluntary pre-departure health disclosures; these shall be shared with the study away faculty leaders or program providers prior to departure
    • follow the established student application process to participate in any study away program, including direct-enroll programs.
    • submit a confirmation deposit with their application
    • be liable for the full payment of the program fee following the deadline established by Study Abroad, even after choosing to withdraw from the program before it begins
    • obtain and pay for their own passports
    • attend a Student Pre-Departure Workshop before the program commences
    • adhere to the current WSU Study Abroad cancellation policy

Students applying for, enrolling in, or participating in a study away program may not:

    • share a room within an accommodation with any non-student participant
    • drive any motor vehicles at international destinations

7. Study Abroad Office

Study Abroad may:

    • allow multiple faculty members to serve as faculty leaders for an approved FLP
    • allow the consideration of late student applications only in unusual circumstances
    • may consult an FLP faculty leader before making a final decision on a student’s petition to waive the minimum eligibility requirements
    • use a third-party provider to assist with travel arrangements, accommodations, and other on-site activities for FLPs or to provide WSU students access to an approved semester program.
    • implement an RFP process for third-party providers in collaboration with the Business Office
    • consider homestays arranged by a third-party provider as an accommodations option
    • book accommodations prior to the program’s departure
    • cancel a student’s participation in a study away program if the student has not paid all program fees in full three weeks prior to departure; if the student provides documentation regarding the ability to cover the remaining balance (e.g. financial aid, accepted grants, loans, or scholarships), Study Abroad may allow the student to participate in the program even with an outstanding balance prior to departure
    • declare a study away program cancellation in the event of extenuating circumstances
    • share the FLP report with the faculty leader’s dean upon request
    • share FLP post-program student evaluations with Deans, Center for Global Education and/or Provost Office
    • facilitate the student pre-departure workshop for participants and document participation

Study Abroad shall:

    • be responsible for financial management of all study away programs, collaborating with other WSU offices as appropriate.
    • review and approve all non-academic program components of a faculty-led program.
    • establish and publish FLP proposal deadlines, as well as guidelines for approval criteria.
    • establish the student application process for any study away program.
    • establish and publish the minimum eligibility requirements, including minimum GPA requirements, to be evaluated in student applications for study away programs
    • determine the minimum enrollment necessary for each approved faculty-led program, taking into account WSU administrative costs and the faculty-led program budget
    • consult with Legal Affairs, the relevant dean, and/or the Provost before approving or denying requests for a faculty leader to take an accompanying family member or a co-instructor on a faculty-led program
    • collaboratively develop with a faculty leader the FLP program budget and promotional materials
    • collaboratively develop with a faculty leader FLP program logistics, such as transportation, room and board, airport transfers, and the overall itinerary
    • determine the estimated program fee for a faculty-led program
    • obtain visas for all participants who are U.S. citizens participating in international FLPs; participants who are international citizens are responsible for obtaining their own visa if required for the destination
    • inform all participants of a significant change in estimated and final program fees in a timely manner and establish a deadline for full payment of the estimated program fee for each approved program.
    • work with the Business Office to pre-pay as many expenses as possible prior to the start of an FLP via a WSU credit card or a wire transfer
    • review and approve in conjunction with the Legal Affairs office all third-party provider contracts before they are signed by the Business Office
    • book all FLP rental vehicles and purchase liability insurance through the rental company
    • facilitate FLP pre-departure workshops and document the faculty leader’s participation
    • request all Study Abroad participants to complete voluntary pre-departure health disclosures
    • share voluntary student health disclosures with the faculty leader and/or program provider
    • enroll all students and faculty in approved international programs in the U.S. State Department Smart Traveler Enrollment Program (STEP).
    • provide a method to faculty leaders for tracking receipts and expenses
    • establish a process for participants to request deviations from standard travel policies and practices
    • cancel an international program if the State Department Travel Advisory changes to Level 3 or 4 before it has commenced
    • discuss concerns raised in FLP post-program student evaluations with the faculty leader

Study Abroad may not:

    • wait-list, deny, or otherwise discourage an applicant for a study away program because of a real or perceived disability or health-related issue including, but not limited to, a documented mental, physical, or emotional status in violation of ADA and HIPAA regulations.
    • specify additional rights, obligations, or limitations that are not stated in these policies and procedures

B. Faculty-Led Program Proposal and Approval Process

Study Abroad shall establish and announce at the beginning of each academic year the deadlines to submit applications proposing faculty-led programs. Faculty-Led Program Proposals shall normally be due by the second week of the spring semester.

A program may be based on existing “Special Topics” courses that already exist in the catalog, but not on “Independent Study” courses. Faculty-led programs may be offered during academic breaks or summer session, and they are typically between one and three weeks in duration. A student shall receive at least three but no more than six credit hours for completing a faculty-led program. For the purposes of this policy, field trips conducted as part of a campus-based class are not considered faculty-led programs.

A faculty member shall submit a Faculty-Led Program Proposal application through the AEMS to propose offering a new or previously offered faculty-led program. Incomplete faculty-led proposals will not be reviewed. The faculty member is encouraged to meet with Study Abroad to discuss the processes for proposing, approving, developing, and implementing the program. Study Abroad will not accept proposals following the established deadline.

A faculty member may submit a proposal for a previously approved faculty-led program. If the previously approved program has been delivered at least once within the last four years, it may be resubmitted as a repeat program. FLPS shall include quantitative summaries of any prior faculty-led program student evaluations in its review of repeated program proposals. The faculty member may also allow FLPS to include the qualitative student narratives from the evaluation in its review.

A faculty member may submit multiple program proposals in the same academic year. A second proposal from one faculty member may not receive approval depending on factors including, but not limited to, the number of total proposals submitted and the anticipated Study Abroad overhead required to deliver them. Back-to-back programs taught by the same faculty member—whether to different or the same locations— may not be approved due to challenging logistical arrangements and Study Abroad staffing constraints.

FLPS shall invite the faculty member to attend the meeting at which the proposal will be reviewed, unless the program has been delivered at least three times within a seven-year period. The committee shall approve or reject the proposal and provide the faculty member with the rationale for this decision.

FLPS shall make a recommendation on an approved proposal to the Academic Affairs and Curriculum Committee (A2C2). The A2C2 shall review the proposal, and if approved, recommend to Faculty Senate. Faculty Senate shall review the proposal, and if approved, recommend to the Associate Provost or Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs using the Meet & Confer process. If the proposal involves international travel, the Associate Provost or Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs shall recommend to the WSU President. After all required members of the administration have approved the proposal, it is an approved faculty-led program. The faculty member who originated the proposal shall hereafter be referred to as the faculty leader. Faculty leaders may begin formally recruiting students for the program after Faculty Senate approval.

All promotional and application materials shall clearly state additional eligibility requirements. Examples might include a specific course pre-requisite, minimum foreign language skills, current class standing, or a student’s specific college, department, or major. All promotional and application materials shall include information about physical skills or capacities which are absolutely required and without which it would be difficult to complete the program.

C. Approval of Additional Adult Participants and Accompanying Family Members

An approved faculty-led program may have multiple faculty leaders; each shall bear the same full responsibility for fulfilling all obligations associated with the delivery of the program, although they may upon mutual agreement divide their labors as appropriate. A graduate student may occupy the role of a co-instructor, but an undergraduate student may not.

Study Abroad shall review the list of proposed additional faculty leaders and co-instructors in order to make a preliminary determination of the potential costs to deliver the program. The general guideline for the number of program leaders is two in order to keep program fees affordable for students. Study Abroad shall make a decision about suggested additional faculty leaders and/or co-instructors prior to opening the student application process.

Study Abroad shall review requests to take accompanying family members as stated in the faculty-led program proposal, consult with the faculty leader, and make a decision to approve or reject the requests. Study Abroad shall review requests to take additional adult participants and/or dependent children as stated in the proposal, consulting with Legal Affairs, the faculty leader’s dean, and the Provost’s office before making a decision to approve or reject the requests. Study Abroad shall inform the faculty leader of these decisions and their rationales. The faculty leader shall provide and pay all expenses for a child care provider if taking dependent children. An adult accompanying family member who is not otherwise a participant in the program may serve as a child care provider; a participant shall not serve as a child care provider.

D. Calculation of the Faculty-Led Program Budget, Estimated Program Fees, and Financial Reporting

The faculty leader and Study Abroad shall collaboratively develop the faculty-led program budget including but not limited to costs associated with transportation, most meals, international health insurance, lodging, administrative fees, admission/event fees for educational experiences, and a proportion of the faculty leaders’ expenses and salaries.
Study Abroad may require the faculty leader to work with an approved third-party provider when the program would benefit from such expertise or when there is a specific risk-management concern about the program’s location or activities. Study Abroad may, in collaboration with the WSU Business Office, initiate an RFP process when a third-party provider is appropriate for the program and in compliance with Minnesota State Procedure 5.14.5 (Purchasing).

Study Abroad shall determine the estimated program fee and the minimum course enrollment for the approved program based on the estimated costs in the program budget. The estimated cost range of the fee provided at the start of the student application process shall be the most accurate possible at the time. Because program fees are based on the best information available well in advance of program delivery, these fees are subject to change. The WSU Student Accounts office shall bill the final program fee to the student’s account. The program is expected to operate within the estimated cost range stated in promotional materials.

Study Abroad shall grant exceptions to the minimum enrollment on a case-by-case basis. Study Abroad shall calculate the estimated program fee as a cost range based on the determined minimum enrollment and on the maximum enrollment as specified in the program’s proposal, and Study Abroad shall establish deadlines for full payment of the program fee.

After Study Abroad has calculated the minimum enrollment and cost ranges, the faculty leader may not modify the program without approval from Study Abroad and FLPS.

After Study Abroad has posted the minimum course enrollment, the program fee’s estimated cost ranges, and the deadline for full payment of the program fee to the AEMS, it shall open the student application process.

The WSU Cashier’s Office shall collect all course tuition and program fees. No other WSU employee may collect monies directly from students.

The faculty leader shall complete a post-program financial report submitted within one week of return. In accordance with State of Minnesota policies, the faculty leader shall include hard copies of itemized receipts verifying expenditures and all WSU credit card ATM receipts. Surplus program funds are held in a Study Abroad office account to cover student tuition waivers and build a scholarship source for future faculty-led programs. In the rare case in which a program returns with a negative budget balance for any reasons other than student failure to pay the program fee or serious emergency situations which threatened health or safety, Study Abroad is not responsible for the difference.

Fundraising on behalf of the program shall not be used directly for an individual student’s tuition or program fee, but these funds may be used to offset faculty-led program expenses. All fundraising efforts shall follow WSU Foundation guidelines. All donations shall be retained in the WSU Center for Global Education Foundation account. Donations may not be retained in any personal account nor in the WSU accounts of the faculty-led program or the faculty leader.

WSU shall not issue cash advances to faculty leaders prior to departure without prior approval from the Business Office.

E. Student Eligibility, Application, Cancellation, and Refunds in Faculty-Led Programs

Study Abroad shall open an approved faculty-led program on the AEMS for application by students. It shall, in collaboration with the faculty leader, establish the program’s application deadline. Students shall meet the minimum eligibility requirements set by the Study Abroad office in order to apply. The faculty leader may require additional acceptance criteria. Students with an overall WSU GPA below 2.5 may use the student petition process to request a waiver.

PSEO students and students under 18 years of age cannot enroll in study away programs. Students who are not U.S. citizens may request approval from Study Abroad to apply for and enroll in study away programs. Students at other institutions may enroll as a visiting student or guest student.

Following the application deadline, the faculty leader shall review applications via the AEMS. The faculty leader may, but is not required to, interview applicants prior to the decision to wait-list, deny, or approve an applicant. Study Abroad shall inform all applicants of their status after the faculty leader has made the decision; Study Abroad shall finalize the estimated program fee after all participants’ confirmation deposits have been received and the enrollment number is complete.

All student participants must complete liability waiver/release, medical information, and other forms as indicated by Study Abroad prior to departure. Participants may request reasonable accommodations. Participants are subject to the laws of the host country and to the rules and regulations of the host institution. Participants shall comply with all applicable WSU policies, rules, and regulations while off campus. Participants engaging in misconduct shall be subject to disciplinary action upon their return to campus.

Students shall adhere to the current WSU Study Abroad cancellation policy.
At the conclusion of the program, Study Abroad shall ask participating students to complete an evaluation concerning academic, organizational, and logistical aspects of the program. It shall share the results with the faculty leader after all student grades have been submitted. If any student narrative comments raise serious concerns, the Associate Provost or Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs shall discuss them directly with the faculty leader; depending on the substance of the comments, the Associate Provost or Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs may also inform the faculty leader’s dean.

F. Ensuring Health and Safety during Faculty-Led Program Delivery

International travel will only be allowed to countries with a current Level 1 or 2 State Department Travel Advisory. Any changes to Travel Advisories for foreign destinations may require re-approval of the program.

Students and faculty leaders are expected to reside in the same on-site accommodations, but a student may not share a room within an accommodation with any non-student participant or with any accompanying family member.

Transportation for all faculty-led program participants must be public transportation or contracted drivers and vehicles. No vehicles larger than twelve-passenger vans may be rented.

If an unavoidable event such as epidemic, pandemic (e.g. influenza), civil unrest, threat of terrorist activity, or other unforeseen occurrence results in removal of students from the program site while the program is being delivered, WSU and Study Abroad shall make every effort to ensure program continuity at a safe location. In extreme cases, this may entail making arrangements to get the entire group home as quickly and judiciously as possible.

If the State Department Travel Advisory changes to Level to 3 or 4 while an international program is being delivered, Study Abroad shall consult with appropriate authorities—including embassy or consulate personnel, on-site providers, the faculty leader, and/or others—to determine the best course of action to reduce risk. WSU and Study Abroad shall inform the faculty leader about what action(s) to take; these may include remaining in place, finding a different safe location in which to continue with the program, or returning to the U.S.

Students and faculty in international faculty-led programs will be enrolled in WSU’s insurance. This insurance will serve as primary health insurance in the host country and will provide medical benefits for injury and sickness. Students participating in faculty-led programs supported by a third-party provider may have health insurance included in the cost of their program fee. In these cases, the third-party provider will share details and information about the health insurance policy with the student. If the third-party provider does not include international health insurance, the WSU insurance policy will be purchased for students and faculty.

In cases of student illness during a program, the faculty leader shall consult with local medical authorities regarding hospitalization and treatment. In emergency situations, the faculty leader shall authorize surgery, but in non-emergency situations shall only order surgery if authorized by the student’s parent or guardian. A student may not be left alone in a hospital without a designated person remaining with the student (including overnight). The faculty leader shall contact Study Abroad immediately if a student is hospitalized for assistance on ensuring the hospitalized student’s safety with minimal impact on planned program activities.

If, in the judgment of local medical staff, serious illness warrants return to the student’s home, the faculty leader shall work with Study Abroad staff to make the necessary arrangements for such return and to advance funds for return travel if needed.

All program participants shall comply with the WSU Alcohol and Drug Policy. Violations of this policy or additional safety policies established by the program leader or on-site providers may be addressed in one or more of the following ways:

    • Restricted or supervised involvement in subsequent activities during the program period.
    • Dismissal from the program. Underage or illegal use of alcohol or other drugs are grounds for such dismissal.
    • Financial restitution for damaged property.
    • University disciplinary proceedings upon return to campus.

The faculty leader has authority to remove a participant from the program, in consultation with Study Abroad, in cases where the participant has violated the code of conduct or has behaved in a way that threatens the health and safety of one or more members of the group. Due process shall be followed: the participant(s) should be informed of the conduct rules prior to or early in the program and the consequences if the rules are not followed, the faculty leader should have documented evidence there has been a violation, and the participant(s) has been asked to account for their behavior and informed of their rights and responsibilities under the WSU Student Code of Conduct. Study Abroad shall decide the procedure for sending the participant home at the participant’s expense. All information regarding the participant’s violation of a code of conduct shall be communicated to the WSU Director of Student Conduct and Citizenship and a conduct case shall be opened on campus.

Study Abroad, in consultation with the WSU administration, reserves the right to cancel any program should an unavoidable event such as epidemic, civil unrest, threat of terrorist activity, medical pandemic, the issuance of a Level 3 or 4 State Department Travel Advisory, or if any other unforeseen occurrence takes place which threatens the financial stability of the program or participants’ health or safety. The WSU Study Abroad Cancellation Policy will be enforced uniformly.

Related Documents

All WSU and Minnesota State codes of conduct apply equally abroad as in the U.S. They include:

Additional applicable Minnesota State Board of Trustees policies include:

Related definitions:

[3-34] Accompanying Family Member:

An individual related to a faculty leader—including a spouse, life partner, or dependent child—traveling in whole or part in conjunction with a faculty-led program. For the purposes of this policy and its procedures, a family member occupying any role of a participant shall not be considered an accompanying family member.

[3-34] AEMS:

See Application and Enrollment Management System.

[3-34] Application and Enrollment Management System (AEMS)::

A software and database package used by Study Abroad for maintaining all student and faculty documents required to propose, apply for, and deliver a study away program, including but not limited to faculty-led program proposals, program information, student applications, participant information and faculty recommendation forms.

[3-34] Approved Faculty-Led Program:

An approved faculty-led proposal that has been reviewed by and has received approval from the WSU Faculty Association Senate, the Associate Provost or Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs, and—for a program including international travel—the WSU President.

[3-34] Approved Program List:

The list of study away programs that have received approval from Winona State. The Approved Programs have been reviewed by the Faculty-led Study Away Programs Subcommittee, or the Study Abroad Committee.

[3-34] Campus Security Authority (CSA):

An individual designated by the Clery Act to receive and report criminal incidents to the WSU Security office in accordance with established WSU policies and procedures.

[3-34] Child Care Provider:

An individual selected by a faculty leader to provide care of a dependent child under the age of 16 for the duration of a faculty-led program.

[3-34] Clery Act:

The Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Campus Crime Statistics Act. This federal statute requires all colleges and universities participating in federal financial aid programs to keep and disclose information about crime on or near their respective campuses. For the purpose of study away programs, a campus is considered the location at which a program is held.

[3-34] Approved Faculty-Led Proposal:

A faculty-led proposal that has been reviewed by and has received approval from the appropriate department chair, the department’s academic college dean, the Faculty-led Study Away Programs Subcommittee (FLPS), Academic Affairs and Curriculum Committee (A2C2), the WSU Faculty Association Senate, Meet and Confer, Associate Provost or Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs, and the WSU President (for international destinations).

[3-34] Co-instructor:

An individual who is not a faculty member but is temporarily employed by WSU to provide a faculty leader assistance with delivering the academic content of a faculty-led program.

[3-34] Community Member:

An individual participating in a faculty-led program who is not an accompanying family member who is enrolled in the Faculty-led course(s).

[3-34] Confirmation Deposit:

A portion of the program fee paid in advance by a student to WSU when submitting a student application for a study away program. Deposits are applied to the program cost.

[3-34] CSA Form:

A document used by Campus Security Authorities to report Clery Act crimes.

[3-34] Dependent Child:

An individual who can be claimed as a dependent by a faculty leader under the rules of the Internal Revenue Service. See also child care provider and accompanying family members.

[3-34] Direct-Enroll Program:

A semester program coordinated by Study Abroad and conducted at an international university in which a student enrolls directly rather than through a third-party provider.

[3-34] Faculty Leader:

A faculty member conducting an approved faculty-led program.

[3-34] Faculty Recommendation Form:

A document submitted via the AEMS by a faculty member in support of a student’s application for a study away program.

[3-34] Faculty-Led Post-Program Financial Report:

A detailed explanation demonstrating how WSU funds were used to pay for faculty-led program expenses in a completed faculty-led program.

[3-34] Faculty-Led Post-Program Report:

A narrative documenting reflections of the faculty leader on the experience of a completed faculty-led program.

[3-34] Faculty-Led Pre-Departure Workshop:

An orientation for faculty leaders to be attended prior to the start of a faculty-led program in compliance with Minnesota State Procedure 3.41.1. The workshop shall include information about mandated reporting responsibilities as well as health and safety guidelines.

[3-34] Faculty-Led Program (FLP):

A study away program in which the course instruction is provided by one or more WSU faculty members. Faculty-led programs are also referred to as “Travel Study” programs at WSU. Faculty-led programs may be conducted within the United States or abroad. Faculty-led programs involve the delivery of a course or a set of courses that are

  • listed in the WSU academic catalog following the established processes for curricular change,
  • taught off campus for all or most of the program’s duration, and
  • specifically designed to capitalize on the experiential learning opportunities uniquely available at the off-campus location.
[3-34] Faculty-Led Program Budget:

Estimated expenses of a faculty-led program. Study Abroad uses the program budget to determine the students’ program fee. The budget includes, but is not limited to, accommodations, faculty-led program health insurance, liability insurance for rental vehicles, transportation, additional travel expenses, the student’s tuition cost for course credits, salary and benefits of the faculty leader, costs for obtaining any necessary group visas, and Study Abroad administrative fees. It shall also include a line item for health or safety emergencies and a small financial cushion to cover expenses such as changes in currency value, fuel surcharges, or other unanticipated and unavoidable costs. The budget shall not include cancellation insurance.

[3-34] Faculty-Led Program Donations:

Additional funds collected to help offset the cost of an approved facultyled program.

[3-34] Faculty-Led Program Expenses:

Actual expenses of a faculty-led program including, but not limited to, travel expenses.

[3-34] Faculty-Led Program Proposal:

An application submitted by a single faculty member to create a new or repeat a previous faculty-led program, submitted to Study Abroad using the AEMS. Study Abroad will assume the originator of the proposal will serve as the faculty leader if it is accepted as an approved faculty-led program. See also approved faculty-led program and approved faculty-led proposal.

[3-34] Faculty-Led Program Relocation:

Any changes to the itinerary of a faculty-led program currently in progress.

[3-34] Faculty-Led Proposal Process:

The method by which a faculty-led program is developed, proposed, and approved using an AEMS as described in the accompanying procedures. See also approved faculty-led proposal and approved faculty-led program.

[3-34] Faculty-led Study Away Programs Subcommittee (FLPS):

A standing committee of the WSU Faculty Association Senate that makes recommendations to its parent assembly on faculty-led program proposals. Formerly known as Travel Study Advisory Committee (TSAC).

[3-34] Financial Aid:

A grant, scholarship, or loan issued to a student through WSU to meet university expenses.

[3-34] FLP:

See faculty-led program.

[3-34] FLPS:

See Faculty-Led Study Away Programs Subcommittee.

[3-34] Guest Student:

An individual enrolled in a higher education institution other than WSU or Minnesota State who is not formally admitted to a WSU degree, licensure, or certificate program but has been given guest status in order to participate in a study away program. Also see visiting student.

[3-34] Health Insurance:

A healthcare and prescription drug plan provided by WSU for all participants in Direct Enroll, Exchange, and international faculty-led programs. This insurance serves as primary health insurance in the host country and provides medical benefits for injury and sickness. Prescription drugs are covered at 100%. Participants shall normally pay for their medical costs on-site, and the insurance provider shall provide reimbursement for submitted receipts.

[3-34] HIPAA (Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act):

A U.S. law that protects individual health information and medical records and provides guidelines on when and how health information may be disclosed.

[3-34] Homestay:

A period of time living in the home of a local family. A study away program may include a homestay arranged by a third-party provider when approved by Study Abroad.

[3-34] Institutional Partner:

A domestic or international organization which has signed a memorandum of understanding (MOU) with WSU for the purposes of student exchange, student direct enrollment, and visiting faculty opportunities. A university may serve as an institutional partner.

[3-34] Medical Withdrawal:

The need for a student to cancel further participation in a study away program.

[3-34] Minimum Course Enrollment:

The fewest number of student enrollments required to successfully deliver an approved faculty-led program without incurring a financial loss for the university.

[3-34] Minimum Eligibility Requirements:

The set of all standard prerequisites a student must meet in order to apply for and enroll in any study away program.

[3-34] Minimum GPA Requirement:

The GPA criteria required for approval of a student application for any study away program. Institutional partners and third-party providers may have a higher minimum requirement.

[3-34] Nepotism:

Favoritism or preferential treatment by someone in authority to provide employment or other benefit for relatives or friends.

[3-34] Non-Academic Program Components:

All elements of a study away program that do not include course instruction or the requirements to receive academic credit. These include the itinerary, program budget, content of promotional and pre-departure orientation materials, health and safety information for travel destinations, an emergency plan for the program, transportation plans, accommodations, and all other logistics.

[3-34] On-Site Program Collaborators:

Groups or individuals who provide services for study away programs at the program site. Third-party providers may serve as collaborators.

[3-34] Participants:

All individuals taking part in a study away program with an established role as defined in this policy and its accompanying procedures, including students, faculty members, co-instructors, and community members. An accompanying family member who does not occupy one of these roles is not a participant.

[3-34] Program Fee:

The cost students are billed for an approved program.

[3-34] Program Information:

Promotional materials describing a study away program, including minimum eligibility requirements, estimated program fees, number of course credits, location, and other relevant information. Promotional materials shall include information about physical skills or capacities either required or highly recommended to complete the program.

[3-34] Reasonable Accommodations:

Adjustments to systems made in accordance with laws established by the Americans with Disabilities Act and implemented by the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission to ensure equal access for individuals with disabilities. Some reasonable accommodations may not be available at international destinations.

[3-34] Recoverable Costs:

Charges paid by WSU to third-party providers or other vendors on behalf of the student, a portion of which may be returned to WSU in the event of a study away program cancellation, a faculty-led program relocation, or student’s medical withdrawal.

[3-34] Request for Proposal (RFP):

A document that solicits proposals through a process to procure services, such as by a third-party provider.

[3-34] SAC:

See Study Abroad Committee.

[3-34] Semester Program:

A study away program offered by an institutional partner or a third-party provider, including direct-enroll programs.

[3-34] State Department Travel Advisory:

An assessment from the U.S. Department of State regarding safety and risk conditions regarding travel in a foreign country. Current federal guidelines define four levels of travel advisories:

  • Level 1: Exercise Normal Precautions.
  • Level 2: Exercise Increased Caution.
  • Level 3: Reconsider Travel.
  • Level 4: Do Not Travel.
[3-34] Student:

An individual admitted to WSU and eligible to take courses for academic credit.

[3-34] Student Application:

A formal request made by a student in the AEMS to enroll in a study away program. Students may complete the student petition process when applications are denied due to not meeting minimum eligibility requirements.

[3-34] Student Application Fee:

A non-refundable payment made by a student to WSU when submitting an application for a study away program. Some institutional partner and third-party provider programs may require additional application fees.

[3-34] Student Application Process:

The submission and evaluation of completed forms by a student in the AEMS to apply for a study away program.

[3-34] Student Petition Process:

The submission and evaluation of a student request to reconsider the disqualification from participating in a study away program due to not meeting the minimum eligibility requirements.

[3-34] Student Pre-Departure Workshop:

An orientation for student participants prior to the departure for a study away program. All workshops shall be conducted in compliance with Minnesota State Procedure 3.41.1 and facilitators shall document participation. The orientation shall include, at minimum:

  • academic and behavioral expectations,
  • applicable conduct policies and information on how participants may raise complaints including, but not limited to, sexual harassment or assault.
  • procedures on dealing with alcohol abuse, illegal drug use, and other behavioral incidents,
  • information and associated guidance on health, safety, and security precautions,
  • expectations for immunizations as required by the CDC,
  • review of communications and emergency protocols,
  • appropriate cultural information about the travel destination and adjusting to the environment, and
  • completion of all required forms.
[3-34] Study Abroad:

See Study Abroad Office.

[3-34] Study Abroad Committee:

A standing committee of the WSU Faculty Association Senate that reviews and makes recommendations in support of the mission of the Center for Global Education, including review and approval of the approved program list for semester study away programs.

[3-34] Study Abroad Office:

A department within the Center for Global Education that assists students who want to enroll in study away programs and faculty who propose and execute faculty-led programs. Also referred to as “Study Abroad.”

[3-34] Study Away Program:

A credit-bearing course or program sponsored and administratively supported by WSU in which participants travel off-campus in connection with an educational experience. Study away programs in the approved program list include faculty-led programs and semester programs. Educational activities may include, but are not limited to, a combination of classroom study, educational tours, research, internships, and/or community-based learning. Also known at WSU as a “study away,” study abroad,” education abroad,” or “off-campus study program.”

[3-34] Study Away Program Cancellation:

A decision to not offer an approved study away program prior to its commencement.

[3-34] Third-Party Provider:

An organization or individual facilitating or administering a study away program through contractual agreements with WSU.

[3-34] Travel Deviation:

A change to the ticketed travel arrangement requested by a participant in a faculty-led program.

[3-34] Travel Study:

See faculty-led program.

[3-34] Tuition Waiver:

A benefit for some bargaining unit members in which WSU tuition is waived for dependent children and spouse/domestic partner.

[3-34] Visiting Student:

An individual enrolled in another Minnesota State institution than WSU who has been given visiting status in order to participate in a study away program. Also see guest student.

[3-34] WSU Credit Card:

A credit card issued by the WSU Business Office to a faculty leader to pay for approved program expenses.

[3-34] WSU Crisis Management Plan for Off-Campus Study Programs:

A master plan for responding to crises that occur when WSU faculty and students are on study away programs overseen by Study Abroad.

Authorizing Policy:


Dates of Revisions: 04/26/2010.

Adoption date: 09/17/2009
Implementation date: 02/23/2023