Administrative number: 2-4
Responsible office: Enrollment Management & Student Life
Responsible officer: Dean of Students

Student Fee Management Committee Regulation


This regulation establishes a procedure for annually determining the level of the Winona State University (WSU) student activity fee and student union facility fee to be charged in the subsequent year (summer session, fall, and spring) in accordance with Minnesota State Board of Trustees Governing Rules.


A. Background

This Winona State University (WSU) Regulation establishes guidelines and policies concerning the distribution of these fees collected during the summer sessions and the academic year. First summer session fees and expenses accrue to the following fiscal year. Further modification of the guidelines, policies, or mode of distribution can be brought about through action by the President with the advice of the Student Fee Management Committee (SFMC).

The SFMC has developed policies and procedures governing the operation of this fund. These rules shall be considered a part of this administrative procedure.

B. Committee:

The SFMC shall be appointed effective October 1 of each year and consist of the following members:

1. Student Representation

  1. Student Senate Treasurer

  2. Eight students – maximum of four senators and minimum of four non-senators,

  3. All appointed by the Student Senate. Term of appointment shall be for two years.

2. Administrative Representation

  1. Vice President for Finance and Administrative Services (VPFAS) or his/her designee to chair the committee

  2. Provost/Vice President for Academic Affairs (P/VPAA) or his/her designee

  3. Vice President for Student Life and Development or his/her designee

  4. Student Activity Fund Accountant (ex-officio)

  5. Each administrative representative may serve on the subcommittees in an ex-officio capacity.

C. Subcommittees:

Four subcommittees will be appointed by the SFMC with recommendations from their respective organizations.

1. Subcommittee Purpose

  1. To serve as a liaison between the SFMC and recipients of activity fund monies.

  2. To organize budget hearings and present a committee recommendation to the whole SFMC.

2. Subcommittee Duties and Responsibilities

  1. To hold budget hearings for each recipient belonging to the subcommittee.

  2. To discuss the requests received and formulate a recommendation to be presented to the whole SFMC.

3. Subcommittee Chairperson’s Duties and Responsibilities

  1. Establish a meeting time.

  2. Attend all committee meetings.

  3. Inform the recipients under his/her jurisdiction of their responsibilities.

  4. Delegate responsibility to members of his/her committee.

4. Subcommittee Member’s Duties and Responsibilities

  1. Attend all committee meetings.

  2. Carry out any duties and/or responsibilities delegated by committee chair.

5. Recipient’s Duties and Responsibilities

  1. Recipients should have their budget director and/or his/her designee at budget hearings when notified by chair.

  2. Provide subcommittee with all pertinent information.

6. Recreation and Athletic Fee Subcommittee

Oversees athletics and intramurals budgets.

  • Two students not involved in the above areas, one of which will serve as chair.

7. Fine Arts Fee Subcommittee

Oversees drama, forensics, music, wenonah players, Satori, debate, and lyceum budgets.

  • Two students not involved in the above areas, one of which will serve as chair.

8. Student Activity Fee Subcommittee

Oversees Student Senate, Streamers, Winonan, and SACC budgets (U-PAC, Homecoming, and Summer Activities).

  • Two students not involved in the above areas, one of which will serve as chair.

9. Sports Clubs Fee Subcommittee

Oversees clubs and groups associated with athletics, which are not a part of the Athletic Department’s administration.

  • Two students not participating in the above areas, one of which will serve as chair.

  • All budget requests submitted to the SFMC must be approved by the appropriate dean or vice-president and be well planned for the year with sufficient justification as to the benefits to be achieved.

D. Administrative Responsibility

The SFMC will review and approve all budgets funded by the Student Activity Fees, as submitted by their respective subcommittees. They will review and approve the budgets for co-curricular clubs, Health Service budget, Student Union budget, reserve funds and the administration of the fund. The committee makes recommendations by March 15 as to the level of student activity and student union facility fees to be charged the following year. The committee will also make recommendations concerning the expenditure of monies in the Long-Range Reserve Fund. The Contingency Fund will be governed by the Student Activity Fund Committee (SAFC) of the Student Senate.

In addition, this committee will make recommendations as to the administration of the activity fee including, but not limited to:

  1. Setting up parameters and limitations as to what is proper use of activity fund monies.

  2. Reviewing program budgets as to whether funds are being used to meet the best interests of the students.

  3. Determining whether changes for approved budgets should be made.

  4. Determining whether excess funds should be carried over by a group.

  5. Recommending admission charges for activities supported by Student Activity Fund monies.

  6. Making any recommendations for changes in Regulation 2-4, pursuant to MnSCU rules and regulations.

  7. Approving subcommittee by-laws.

  8. Periodically post-auditing group budgets.

The SFMC will make recommendations to the University President. Concurrently, recommendations will be forwarded to the Student Senate for review. The Senate will have two weeks to submit recommendations to the University President. Within the two week period, the Student Senate shall act as an appeals board for those groups, which disagree with decisions made by the committee. Appeals approved by the Senate will be included in their final recommendation to the University President.

E. Distribution

These fees shall be used to support student activities, student union debt service, student union facility operations, and the student health service.

F. Administration Of Fund:

The Administrative budget is intended to be used for funding the appropriate salaries and other operational costs necessary for the administration of the student activity funds.
The Student Activity Fund accountant shall periodically submit to the Student Senate treasurer reports of all financial activity for groups funded by the Student Activity Fee.
The accountant shall refer all items, which are of a questionable nature to the SFMC, for approval before an obligation is incurred.

G. Receipts

All monies (box office, gate receipts, dues, admissions, etc.) generated by events that are sponsored by the Activities Fund shall revert to the SFMC with the following stipulations and/or exceptions:

Normally the event generating such funds shall have first priority for use of such funds. All budgets shall be subject to periodic review by the SFMC and revisions shall include an alignment between anticipated income and estimated and actual income, expenditures, and commitments.

H. Publication

The Student Senate treasurer shall publish in the University newspaper the approved line item budgets for all student activity funded groups before the end of spring quarter.

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Dates of Revisions: 8/18/88, 2/1/95, 8/13/07

Adoption date: 04/28/1983
Implementation date: 08/13/2007