Administrative number: 4-1
Responsible office: Enrollment Management & Student Life
Responsible officer: Dean of Students

Student Employment Regulation


This regulations establishes a system to monitor student employment at Winona State University (WSU) (including work study, student help, and graduate assistantships).


A. Funding

Work-study funds are provided by federal and state grants and are allocated to students on the basis of financial need.

Funding for student help and graduate assistant positions comes from a variety of sources including, but not limited to, state appropriations, grants, non-allocated income, and revenue funds. These positions are not given to students based on financial need, but rather at the discretion of the hiring departments/areas.

B. Eligibility

1. Fall/Spring Employment

1. Undergraduate student employees must be enrolled for a minimum of six (6) credit hours, and graduate student employees must be enrolled for a minimum of three (3) credit hours for each academic term (fall and/or spring) during which they are employed.

2. International undergraduate student employees must be enrolled for a minimum of twelve (12) credit hours and international graduate student employees for six (6) credit hours for each academic term (fall and/or spring) during which they are employed, unless the International Services Office has authorized an exception.

3. If a student employee is enrolled for fewer than the minimum number of credits (during fall and/or spring semester) because it is his/her last semester before graduating, an exception can be made; and the student would then be allowed to work during that semester.

4. Students who withdraw from classes during the fall and/or spring semester, which result in their being enrolled for less than the minimum number of required credits, are not eligible for student employment.

5. Students who are dropped due to non-payment and are no longer in student status are not eligible for student employment.

6. Non-WSU degree seeking students must be enrolled in at least 6 credits (if undergraduate students) or 3 credits (if graduate students) during each semester in which they wish to be employed.

7. Once a student has graduated and is no longer pursuing another degree or major at WSU, s/he is no longer eligible for student employment.

2. Summer Employment

1. Fall term entering freshmen may work during the preceding summer if they have been officially admitted to the university and are pre-registered for the fall term.

2. Continuing students must be pre-registered for fall semester.

3. Students employed in summer work study positions must be enrolled, in the summer, for a minimum of six (6) credits if they are undergraduates or three (3) credits if they are graduate students).

4. Non-WSU degree seeking students must be enrolled in at least 6 credits (if undergraduate students) or 3 credits (if graduate students).

5. Once a student has graduated and is no longer pursuing another degree or major at WSU, s/he is no longer eligible for student employment.

C. Advertising Positions

Winona State University adheres to equal employment hiring guidelines and strongly recommends that supervisors advertise all job openings campus-wide in order to allow all qualified students to apply. It is further recommended that positions be advertised utilizing the most current, up-to-date method the University has adopted for posting student positions. See Student Employment Handbook for details.

D. General Policies

1. Hours of Work

1. Fall and Spring Semesters: Student employees must not work in excess of thirty (30) hours per week, inclusive of all positions held at the University. International students must not work in excess of twenty (20) hours per week, unless the International Services Office has authorized an exception. It is not in the best interest of full-time students to work more than 20 hours per week. Students should be advised to work only the number of hours per week that is manageable in their schedules.

2. Summer: Student employees must not work in excess of forty (40) hours per week, inclusive of all positions held at the University. Students should be advised to work only the number of hours per week that is manageable in their schedules.

3. An employee in a work-study position is restricted, within that position, to a maximum amount of earnings based on the amount of his/her work-study award. If a student works beyond the award amount, this may result in violation of Federal and State financial aid regulations for over awarding aid resulting in institutional liability.

4. Students are not eligible to receive double payment for the same hour worked from two or more work areas.

5. Supervisors must maintain payroll records in order to prevent overpayment to a student for hours worked. Intentional misstatements on time sheets by the student employee will require the repayment of funds and may subject the student employee to possible dismissal for violation of MnSCU Board Policy 1C.2, Fraudulent or Other Dishonest Acts.

2. Rate of Pay

Students shall be paid no less than the current WSU student hourly rate. A student may be compensated at a higher rate of pay for a position that requires a high level of responsibility or a specialized skill, as deemed appropriate by the student’s supervisor and as approved by the individual in charge of the budget from which the student is paid.

3. Payroll Schedule

Student employees are paid on a bi-weekly schedule and are expected to comply with payroll deadlines and submit a time sheet to their supervisors each pay period in which they work. Supervisors must collect, review, sign, and submit time sheets to Student Payroll every two weeks for students who are employed on a continuous basis.

4. Authorization

1. Students may not begin work, and are not considered officially employed until all required hiring documentation is completed and submitted to the Student Payroll Office. This documentation includes a contract (Work Authorization Form) and an Employment Eligibility Verification (Form I-9). Forms and information can be found on the Student Payroll website.

2. A signed student time sheet is an invoice and is subject to audit.

5. Supervision

1. Employees shall not supervise student employees to whom they are related (see MnSCU Board Policy 4.10, Nepotism).

2. Direct supervision of all student employees must be provided by WSU employees (faculty or staff) or, in the case of students who work at off-campus sites, a member of the staff at the agency/business to which a student is assigned. Direct supervision includes hiring, acting as a signatory for all paperwork, assigning tasks, overseeing job performance, disciplining, releasing employee from duties, etc. A student employee may occasionally oversee the work of another student but may never assume the role of a direct supervisor.

E. Discipline/ Dismissal

1. The University does not contract with student employees for a specified period of time, nor are the terms of student employment governed by a collective bargaining agreement. It is strongly recommended that supervisors follow a discipline and dismissal procedure in the event a student is not meeting job expectations. Please refer to the guidelines provided in the Student Employee Handbook in regard to discipline and dismissal.

2. To appeal a student employment decision, a student should consult WSU Regulation 42, Student Grievance Procedure.

WSU is an equal opportunity educator and employer. Women, minorities, and individuals with disabilities are encouraged to apply.

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Dates of Revisions: 3/30/90, 8/18/97, 9/10/09, 11/22/09

Adoption date: 08/18/1988
Implementation date: 11/22/2009