Administrative number: 3-32A
Responsible office: Academic Affairs
Responsible officer: Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs

Research and Teaching Animal Care and Use Procedure

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This procedure establishes and describes the roles, responsibilities, and procedures guiding the humane care and use of animals in research, teaching, display, and related activities when conducted by Winona State University (WSU) faculty, staff, and students using university facilities or equipment, in the field, or at another institution because of sub-granting or sub-contracting research activities.


A. Roles and Responsibilities

The President shall ensure that activities covered under Policy 3-32 and this procedure meet federal requirements, oversee the Institutional Official, and confirm membership of the Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC).

The Institutional Official (IO) is the Vice President for Academic Affairs. The IO shall:

  1. Ensure compliance with applicable laws, guidelines, and policies by maintaining both a program to provide adequate care and support for animals used in WSU activities, and anIACUC with appropriate administrative support

  2. Maintain all necessary assurances and registrations with government agencies

  3. Perform all necessary reporting requirements

  4. Determine corrective or remedial actions necessary to continue compliance with this policy and WSU’s PHS Animal Welfare Assurance for Domestic Institutions (WSU Assurance)

  5. Oversee the Attending Veterinarian

The Attending Veterinarian (AV) must be licensed in the State of Minnesota or Wisconsin and shall be a voting member of the IACUC. The AV has direct authority to ensure the provision of adequate veterinary care as described in federal regulations and policy, oversee the adequacy of the animal care program, and provide advice and instruction to WSU members in animal care and use.

Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC) members are appointed by the WSU Faculty Association and confirmed by the President. The IACUC shall consist of at least five members and its composition shall meet the requirements set forth in Public Health Service (PHS) Policy IV.A.3.b and in the WSU Assurance. The IACUC shall have the authority and responsibility to:

  1. Review and approve, require modifications to, or withhold approval of all WSU activities involving animals related to the care and use of animals in research, teaching, and display

  2. Conduct continuing review of previously approved activities at appropriate intervals as determined by the IACUC and applicable regulations

  3. Conduct semi-annual inspections of facilities where animals are housed or used

  4. Conduct semi-annual reviews of WSU’s animal care and use program

  5. Review and investigate reports of non-compliance

  6. Report to the IO any alleged serious or continuing non-compliance with federal or state laws or university policies and procedures, and report corrective actions taken in response to non-compliance

  7. Take any actions, including suspension of an activity, that are necessary in its judgement to ensure compliance with applicable federal, state, or WSU policies and procedures

  8. Gain access to all facilities used for the care and use of research and teaching animals

  9. Obtain access to WSU records and relevant information related to the use of research and teaching animals

  10. Maintain appropriate administrative policies, procedures, and processes to implement the animal care and use program in accordance with its Institutional Program for Animal Care and Use as described in the WSU Assurance

The IACUC Compliance Officer is designated by the IO and shall:

  1. Provide administrative support to the IO and IACUC

  2. Develop and administer training in animal care and use for WSU members

  3. Serve as the primary resource for information about the IACUC and its procedures, theAssurance application process, and regulations and policies related to animal care and use

The Principal Investigator shall:

  1. Submit the appropriate documentation for all activities involving animals to the IACUC for review and approval, and receive approval prior to acquiring or working with animals

  2. Obtain all permits and permissions required for the work

  3. Maintain approval by submitting modification requests and continuing review reports

  4. Ensure all project personnel are appropriately qualified, have completed required training and occupational health monitoring, and abide by the decisions of the IACUC

B. General Principles and Procedures

In conducting research, teaching, display, and related activities involving animals, WSU faculty, staff, and students shall adhere to the following principles:

  1. Procedures shall be designed and carried out with consideration for relevance to human or animal health, the advancement of knowledge, or the good of society; and

  2. Proper use requires avoidance or minimization of discomfort, distress, and pain

WSU will uphold these recognized principles by maintaining all necessary assurances and registrations with government agencies, complying with all applicable provisions of the Animal Welfare Act, other federal statutes and regulations, and carrying out its Institutional Program for Animal Care and Use as described in the WSU Assurance.

C. Housing Animals for Educational Display

Animals for educational display are those not explicitly involving research or teaching. Care is governed by best practice as specified by the person(s) with oversight of the animals and approved by the IACUC.

Academic departments housing animals for educational display must submit a memo to the IACUC each year by September 30 indicating the animals are for display only. Memos for new educational displays must be submitted no less than 10 calendar days prior to the proposed installation date of the display and updated by September 30 regardless of the date of initial submission. The memo must state: Description of the common name, species, and number of animals; statement that the animals will be used only for educational display; location of the animals and description of housing; description of care and feeding; and responsible person for animal care.

The memo will be reviewed by the IACUC Chair or designee and approved, require modifications, or approval will be withheld.

D. Non-Compliance

Non-compliance with Policy 3-32 or associated Procedure 3-32a may be grounds for disciplinary action and, if applicable, suspension or termination of research or related activities, referral for research misconduct proceeding, and reporting to federal and state agencies.

A written report of non-compliance will be forwarded to the President and IO through the President’s designee on the IACUC (IACUC Administration Representative). Disciplinary action will follow the employment rules governing the individual’s employment category.

Related Documents

Related definitions:

[3-32] Animal Welfare Act:

The federal law that regulates the treatment of animals in research, exhibition, transport, and by dealers, and provides minimum standards of care and treatment for animals.

[3-32] PHS Animal Welfare Assurance for Domestic Institutions:

A negotiated assurance that an institution will comply with the Public Health Service (PHS) Policy on Humane Care and Use of Laboratory Animals. The assurance applies to all research, research training, experimentation, biological testing, and related activities involving live vertebrate animals.


Adoption date: 08/26/2022
Implementation date: 08/26/2022