Administrative number: 6-3
Responsible office: Marketing and Communications
Responsible officer: Vice President for University Advancement

Public Information Office Services Regulation


This regulation aims to maintain consistency in news style and avoid duplication of news and information disseminated to the media from Winona State University (WSU), to keep a current master calendar of campus activities, and to enhance media relations through one (1) liaison to avoid confusion.


A. News

All news and information to be made available to the media (in the form of news releases, press releases, publicity releases, public service announcements, etc.) should be channeled through Winona State University (WSU) Public Information Office. Where a tight deadline occurs for the news to be properly disseminated, the Public Information Officer may deliver news releases locally. Persons generating news of events or activities that need publicity should, however, allot enough time before the event to give it appropriate publicity.

The format of the news release will be in accordance with the WSU University Communications Stylebook, which is based mostly on the AP Stylebook, and current usage and format used by the broadcast and print media. Media editors and news directors may edit material to meet their stylistic and space requirements.

The Public Information Officer, based on familiarity with the media news policies, will determine distribution of the news.

When appropriate, other agencies besides media may also receive WSU news releases such as Chambers of Commerce, other governmental agencies, the Minnesota State College and University System (MNSCU), professional organizations, and magazines, or other publications.

News releases also serve as “news tips” for the media and frequently the media will follow up on a news release and request more information, an interview for TV or radio. The media usually always calls the WSU media liaison (Public Information Officer). University employees approached directly by the media should ask if the Public Information Office is aware of the interview to offer assistance.

B. News Conferences/Press Conferences

These should also be channeled and planned through the Public Information Office. A press conference can be arranged fairly quickly should it be necessary (such as in the case of a “crisis”). For a wellplanned news conference event, or special activity to MAKE the news (like a groundbreaking or a grand opening), the more time that can be spent in planning the better the event will be.

Media kits, or information packets, will also be coordinated through the Public Information Office with help and input as needed or necessary from the department requesting the news conference.

C. News Tips Or Story Ideas

These should also be brought to the attention of the Public Information Office first, — faculty or staff should not go directly to the media with ideas for feature stories. The Public Information Office Staff can help write the story and feed it to local, regional, or statewide media and other publications, and may use the information for other campus publications.

D. WSU Update

This is the daily electronic newsletter produced by the WSU Public Information Office for the employees of WSU. It is also distributed to retired employees, major donors, local media, Student Senate, and members of support boards (WSU Foundation, Warrior Club, and WSU Alumni Society). Items for the newsletter come from WSU news releases, faculty and staff, other college or university newsletters, other offices or departments, and from (MnSCU).

Each issue includes a calendar of campus events and other news about campus issues and activities, and notices about WSU employees or students, and their accomplishments.

The editor (Public Information Officer) will try to print everything submitted that is appropriate provided there is space available.

E. Public Relations, Special Projects

These can include such activities as receptions, special visitors on campus, luncheons, lectures, conferences, and other public functions. The Public Information Office helps coordinate and manage these activities and events as necessary or as directed by the President or the VPUA.

F. “Currents”

Currents is the major news vehicle produced for WSU Alumni. It is published quarterly and distributed to parents of currently enrolled students, retired staff and faculty, major donors, legislators, the media, and others with a vested interested in WSU. The Directors of University Communications, Alumni Affairs, and Publications Office determine content and design. Input is received from news releases, alumni letters, the President, and anyone on the staff or faculty with ideas of interest to the alumni. Deadlines and publication dates are determined by the Directors of the University Advancement Department.

G. Advertising

The Public Information Office should be called upon to help facilitate paid advertising in the media. This involvement includes advice on prices, sizes, deadlines, placement, and design/content. Final proofreading of the finished ad, billing, and paperwork will be handled by the department requesting the advertising. The Public Information Office involvement in all WSU advertising helps ensure consistency of style , quality and veracity in enhancing the university’s image.


Date of Revisions: 8/18/88, 8/13/07

Adoption date: 08/18/1988
Implementation date: 08/13/2007