Administrative number: 3-26A
Responsible office: Academic Affairs
Responsible officer: Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs

Program Review Procedure

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This procedure describes how academic programs, including undergraduate major and minor programs and graduate certificate and degree programs at Winona State University (WSU) are reviewed on a regular basis.


A. Program Review Schedule

The Office of Academic Affairs develops a five-year review schedule for all academic programs. The schedule is reviewed annually in consultation via the appropriate processes with the appropriate stakeholders and then distributed to all academic programs and the Faculty Senate by December 1.

B. Program Review Timeline

The program review is conducted according to the following timeline. This timeline may be modified by prior written agreement between the dean and the program.

By December 1: The program review schedule is distributed to all academic programs and the Faculty Senate.

By February 15: The program faculty contact IPAR to discuss data needs for program review.

By March 30: The dean meets with the program to discuss process, including any changes to the timeline.

By October 1: The program submits to the dean: 1) the first draft of the self-study report accompanied by an evidence portfolio; 2) a list of possible external reviewers accompanied by their current curriculum vita.

By October 15: The external reviewer is identified and external review is scheduled. The dean provides feedback for the program review on the first draft of evidence portfolio and self-study.

By November 1: The program submits the final self-study report to the dean and the external reviewer.

By February 15: The external reviewer conducts a site visit.

By March 1: The external reviewer submits the report jointly to the dean and the program.

Within 30 days of receipt: The program submits a written response to the external review report to the dean.

Within 30 days of receipt: The dean meets with the program faculty to discuss the external review, program responses, and the dean’s response.

Within 30 days from meeting: The dean submits the evidence portfolio, self-study, external review, program response, and the dean’s response to the Provost/VPAA. The dean’s response is also provided to the program.

Within 4 months of receipt: The Provost/VPAA submits a written response to the dean and the program.

C. Accommodation of Accredited Programs

For accredited programs, the program review is conducted concurrently with accreditation reviews. The dean will meet with accredited programs to specify how the accreditation process will be coordinated with internal program review requirements to ensure that the objectives of both are met. The self-study and external review processes and timelines are typically defined by the accreditation body.

Nonetheless, the purpose of the internal review is not limited to obtaining accreditation. The internal review is intended to provide the program and administration with information pertaining to the future of the program. For that reason, the program review must include steps that guide the response of the program and administration to the information generated by the internal review.

D. Components of Program Review

1. Evidence Portfolio: The evidence portfolio includes program/department-level data defined by the program faculty and other relevant data to understanding the past and projected performance of the program.

2. Self-Study Report: The program self-study report is a structured, evidence-based, comprehensive analysis of a program accompanied by a strategic plan.

3. External Review: The goal of the external review is to offer the University independent perspectives on the quality of the program.

4. Program Response to the External Review: The purpose of the program response is to ensure that the program “closes the review loop” by responding to the external program review. The program faculty submit a written response to the external reviewer’s report. This may include a revised strategic plan.

5. Administrative Response: The purpose of the administrative response is to provide feedback to the program in a timely manner.

E. An Overview of the Program Self-Study Report

The program self-study report is a structured, evidence-based, comprehensive analysis of a program. The program faculty may consult IPAR to identify and obtain appropriate data that support the selfstudy report. All data used should be appended to the self-study report under the title “Evidence Portfolio.”

The self-study includes the following components.

1. A general description of the program.

Include a brief history of the program, the program’s mission and goals, and the program content and organization.

2. A discussion of student success.

Include general characteristics of the program’s student body, recruitment practices, retention and completion rates, assessment of student learning outcomes, distinguished student achievements, and post-graduate activities.

3. A discussion of faculty qualifications, contributions, and achievements.

Include general characteristics of the program’s faculty, evidence of appropriate decision making processes, evidence of effective teaching and other activities involving students, service to the University, and scholarly and other professional achievements.

4. A discussion of program resources.

Include the number and type of faculty positions, instructional technologies, equipment, supplies, building space, library services, and cost effectiveness, cost recovery, enrollment history, and a history of administrative support.

5. Strategic plan for improvement.

Include an analysis of strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats/challenges, identification of up to five areas for improvement, a plan of action to realize the improvement in these areas, and a discussion of the budgetary implications during the next two years.

F. External Review

The goal of the external review is to offer the University independent perspectives on the quality of the program. The following procedure applies to programs that are not accredited. Programs with accreditation may substitute the external review process specified by accreditation agencies in consultation with the dean.

1. Selection of an External Reviewer

The person chosen to review the program shall have sufficient professional experiences or backgrounds to review the program. If available, consult the list of reviewers provided by professional organizations and societies. The chosen reviewer shall have no conflict of interests either to the program or to the faculty being reviewed.

The program faculty will compile a list of three potential reviewers and forward those names in recommended ranked preference to the appropriate dean along with a current curriculum vita for each potential reviewer. The list should identify any relationships to the program or to the program faculty. The dean will rank the reviewers in order of preference and forward the recommendation to the Provost/VPAA. The Provost/VPAA will determine the external reviewer; the Provost/VPAA . In the event the forwarded reviewers are either unacceptable or unavailable, Program faculty and dean would submit the names of two to three additional potential reviewers.

The dean and chair/program coordinator will arrange the hiring and scheduling of the external reviewer.

2. The External Review Report

The external reviewer should conduct interviews with the following individuals or groups:

  • Department chair/program director

  • Faculty members of the program

  • Current and former students of the program (if appropriate)

  • Dean of the college

  • Members of the program’s advisory board (if appropriate) and representatives of community organizations that interact with the program (if appropriate)

  • Program staff

  • Others from the Winona State University community who interact with the program

  • Provost/VPAA

The reviewer will provide written feedback and recommendations to improve the quality of the program, being mindful of the self-study components and/or the requirements of accrediting agencies. Items to be addressed include, but are not limited to, the following:

  • Current state of program

  • Program effectiveness

  • Assessment of student learning outcomes

  • Areas that meet the expectations of the program, areas of excellence, and areas that need improvement

  • Quality of the resources of the program

  • Recommendations for program enhancement

The reviewer submits a final report to the dean and the program.

G. Program Response and Administrative Response

The program and administration respond to the external review on the following schedule.

1. Within 30 days of receipt of external review, the program submits to the dean a written response to the external review and, if appropriate, a revised program strategic plan.

2. Within 30 days of receipt of program response, the dean meets the program faculty to discuss the external review.

3. Within 30 days of above meeting, the dean submits a written recommendation to the Provost/VPAA, along with the program self-study report, the external review report, the program faculty’s response, and a summary of the discussion with the program and any response from the program.

4. Within 4 months of receipt of the dean’s recommendation, the Provost/VPAA meets with the dean and the program to discuss the overall outcome of the internal and external program review. After this meeting, the Provost/VPAA provides a written response to the program.

Authorizing Policy:


Adoption date: 04/04/2016
Implementation date: 04/04/2016