Administrative number: 3-14
Responsible office: Academic Affairs
Responsible officer: Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs

Professional Development Report (IFO) Regulation


This regulation provides procedures and guidance for the professional evaluation of probationary and fixed term faculty at Winona State University (WSU) consistent with Article twenty-two (22) of the Inter-Faculty Organization (IFO)-Minnesota State Colleges and Universities System (MnSCU) Agreement.

Note: This legacy regulation is currently being considered for updating to a formal Policy and Procedure set:


A. Procedure

In the Spring term of each academic year, all probationary and fixed term faculty shall prepare a Professional Development Report (PDR) (also referred to as the Progress Report in Article 22) by the deadline suggested in the Academic Deadline Calendar (normally in March). A copy of the PDR, without supporting documentation, shall be forwarded to the dean’s office.

1. The original Report, along with supporting documentation, shall circulate in the faculty member’s department/program for colleagues’ review and commentary. Faculty members in the department/ program shall utilize the Individual Personnel Recommendation Form to write comments regarding the reviewed faculty member’s PDR. Department colleagues need not comment upon the faculty member’s PDR, but are strongly encouraged to do so. The comments must pertain to one (1) or more of the five (5) criteria of Article twenty-two (22b).

2. These comments shall be forwarded to the chair. The faculty member shall have the opportunity to see these comments before the comments are forwarded to the dean and sign off on the Individual Personnel Recommendation Forms to indicate that he/she has reviewed the comments. The faculty member may choose to respond to the comments in writing.

3. If the faculty member fails to forward the PDR by the published deadline in the Academic Deadline Calendar (normally in March), the dean shall inform the faculty member in writing that he/she has ten (10) duty days to comply.

4. By the second date scheduled in the Academic Deadline Calendar (normally in April), the department chair shall forward to the appropriate dean/supervisor the faculty member’s original PDR with supporting documentation, the colleagues’ comments on the Individual Personnel Recommendation Forms, and the faculty member’s acknowledgment that the forms have been reviewed.

5. The dean shall review all submitted material. The faculty member will meet with the dean to discuss the faculty member’s achievements/performance during the academic year.

6. The dean shall prepare a written summary assessing the faculty member’s performance during the academic year as it relates to the five (5) criteria in Article twenty-two (22b). The purpose of this summary is to guide the faculty member’s future professional development and provide guidance for future tenure or promotion decisions. The Regulation 3-14 summary shall be sent to the faculty member and placed in the faculty member’s personnel file.

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Date of Revisions: 5/13/98, 8/13/07

Adoption date: 05/13/1998
Implementation date: 08/13/2007