Administrative number: 3-1
Responsible office: Library Services
Responsible officer: Dean of Library

Procedures for Acquisition of Library Materials Regulation


This regulation aims to insure efficient use of funds for the acquisition of library supplies and equipment at Winona State University (WSU), to prevent duplication, to encourage shared use, to insure conservation of university property, and to describe the procedures to be used so that library materials and equipment requests may be expedited.


A. Routing Of Requests

1. Recommendations for all library materials such as books, periodicals, newspapers, microfilm, microfiche, CD-ROM’s and micro cards will be made through the library only and will conform to established departmental procedure before being sent to the library. All library materials purchased under this regulation will become part of the library collection.

2. Recommendations for all audiovisual programs (films, videocassettes, filmstrips, multimedia kits, DVD’s, etc.) will be made through the library when charged against library funds.

B. Procedure For Ordering Library Materials

1. Recommendations for library materials must be supplied in a printed or handwritten legible format (including handwritten lists or email). The requester’s name and department must be included. A full and accurate title is required. The authors’ name, materials format (e.g. hybrid CD-ROM), copyright date, publisher, and price should always be supplied if known. Special instructions may be included (e.g., “Notify requester immediately upon receipt of materials”).

2. Submit recommendations to the appropriate departmental liaison librarian, after following the procedures established within the department of which you are a member.

3. When the material has been received and cataloged, the requester will be notified of its availability in the library.


Date of Revisions: 8/18/88, 10/2/97, 9/17/08

Adoption date: 08/18/1988
Implementation date: 09/17/2008