Administrative number: 2-11
Responsible office: Marketing and Communications
Responsible officer: University President

Printing Procedures Regulation (Retired)

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This regulation describes procedures for preparing printed or duplicated materials for reproduction at Winona State University (WSU).

Stakeholder Review Notes:

This legacy regulation is a candidate for retirement. The Print Shop Supervisor agrees that the MarComm “One Stop” website addresses any issues covered by this regulation, and we don’t need a formal policy in order to establish rules/guidelines for submitting such requests.

Stakeholder Feedback Report:

  • (No feedback was received.)


A. Printing And Duplicating Services

The Publications Office and the Campus Print Shop are the two (2) service units, which provide printing and duplicating services to the University. The Publications Office is responsible for the preparation of printed material for both on-campus and off-campus printing. The Campus Print Shop is responsible for the production of printed and duplicated materials on campus.

B. Requisitioning Procedures

Duplicating, on-campus printing and off-campus printing, all demand somewhat different requisitioning procedures. Regardless of production method, however, the originator is responsible for specifying the account to which costs will be charged and for insuring that the account contains sufficient funds. For reproduction-ready materials, or duplicating, such as memoranda or letters, the originator shall fill out the Print Shop Job Ticket/Invoice.

  1. On-campus printing requires precise communication with Publications and/or the Print Shop. The originator shall notify Publications or the Print Shop at the earliest possible date of the upcoming publication.

  2. Off-campus printing demands are similar to those of on-campus printing. However, because many off-campus publications are bid, they require more lead-time. They also require that the originator submit an Internal Requisition (Form IR 1400) to Publications, not the Business Office. Publications then shall complete the bid process and forward IR 1400 to the Business Office. Publications shall act as liaison between the originator and the vendor throughout the purchasing and production of the printed material.

C. Typing and Typesetting

The originator shall submit computer generated text for printing and duplicating. The text for materials to be duplicated, for example, originals ready for direct reproduction, must contain no ink or pencil corrections. These materials include such items as letters and memoranda prepared by the originator, which do not require the Publications Office assistance in their preparation. The Campus Print Shop will reproduce these materials without further preparation or adjustment to the computer generated text,

The text submitted for printed materials must also be computer generated, but may include minor ink or pencil corrections.

D. Publication Design And Art Services

Publications may provide design and art services for printed materials. The services offered depend upon the time available and the rank of the printed material.

E. Photographs For Publication

The originator or the Publication’s Office may provide photographs used in the publication. These photographs must meet certain reproduction standards. The originator should contact the Publication’s Office for information prior to ordering photographs.

F. Editing And Proofreading

The publication originator is responsible for all copy-editing and proofreading. The originator shall edit and/or proofread the final draft of text-copy for reproduction prior to submitting it to Publications or the Print Shop. The Publications Office or the print vendor will supply a final proof to the originator before it goes to the press. The originator shall insure that this proof is free from typesetting or format errors.

Related definitions:

[2-11] Duplicating:

Any material reproduced in the Campus Print Shop from a reproduction-ready original provided by the originator.

[2-11] Off-campus printing:

Any printed material printed by a print shop or publishing company other than the Campus Print Shop.

[2-11] On-campus printing:

Any printed material printed in the Campus Print Shop, but not reproduced from a reproduction-ready original provided by the originator.


Dates of Revisions: 8/18/88, 8/13/07

Adoption date: 01/25/1977
Implementation date: 08/13/2007