Administrative number: 3-31
Responsible office: Academic Affairs
Responsible officer: Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs/Chief Academic Officer

Posthumous Degree Regulation

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This regulation establishes the posthumous degree eligibility requirements for undergraduate and graduate students at Winona State University (WSU) and prescribes the procedures to be followed in making recommendations for awarding the posthumous degree.


A. Authority To Recommend A Posthumous Degree

  1. The request must come from the department of the student’s major and be forwarded to the appropriate dean of the college and the Registrar.

  2. The Registrar will review the student’s academic record to determine eligibility for awarding a degree and will notify both the department and the dean of the college of the results of this review.

  3. If eligible, the dean, after consultation with the department of the student’s major, will forward a recommendation to the Provost/Vice President for Academic Affairs (P/VPAA). D. The P/VPAA will make a recommendation to the President for final approval.

  4. The President will notify Vice President for Student Life and Development who will contact the student’s family to determine how/when/if the degree will be awarded, and then convey that determination to the Commencement Committee Chair and the Registrar.

B. Criteria For The Posthumous Degree

A student may be granted a posthumous degree if, at the time of his/her death the student was:

  1. Enrolled in good academic and professional standing at the University; and

  2. An undergraduate in his/her final year who had applied for and been approved for graduation, or

  3. An undergraduate with a distinctive and demonstrated record of achievement as determined by his/her major department; or

  4. A graduate student in his/her final year who had applied for and been approved for graduation.

C. Guidelines For Awarding The Posthumous Degree

Consultation with family will be the final determination for how/when/if the degree will be awarded. Following are options that the family may choose from:

  1. A letter of recognition sent to the family from the President. The posthumous degree award is noted in commencement program and by the President during the commencement ceremony.

  2. A private ceremony with the family held in the President’s office with the dean and department representative(s) participating. The posthumous degree award is noted in the commencement program and by the President during the commencement ceremony.

  3. The President makes a special announcement during the commencement ceremony followed by a moment of silence. The posthumous degree award is noted in commencement program.

  4. The parents are introduced during the commencement ceremony by President and the diploma presented to relatives in a private meeting with the President at another time. Posthumous degree is noted in the commencement program.

  5. A family member takes the position in the commencement line with other graduates from the deceased student’s college. Posthumous degree award is noted in commencement program.


Adoption date: 11/05/2008
Implementation date: 11/05/2008