Administrative number: 2-18A
Responsible office: Facilities
Responsible officer: Assistant Vice President for Facilities Management

Parking and Traffic on Campus Procedure

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This procedure describes specific parking and traffic regulations on the Winona State University (WSU) campus.


A. Driving

Drivers on the WSU campus are subject to the following regulations and restrictions:

  • The speed limit in all WSU parking lots is five miles per hour.

  • Pedestrians have the right-of-way at all designated crosswalks.

Private vehicles are not permitted in any of the following areas, unless an exception is made by WSU Parking Services:

  • Driveway entrances, sidewalks, landscaped areas, or aisles used for entering or exiting, such as a middle lane.

  • Emergency or maintenance vehicle access routes.

  • Areas designated for WSU-owned vehicles.

  • Building services areas, such as loading docks.

B. Parking

Owners of vehicles parked on the WSU campus are subject to the following regulations and restrictions:

  • Parking permits are required to park in any campus lot. WSU Parking Services publishes a campus parking map and current information about obtaining parking permits on their website.

  • Parked vehicles must be entirely within the boundaries of a designated parking space.

  • Vehicles parked in designated accessible parking spaces must display the appropriate certification, insignia, or license plate in accordance with Minnesota Statutes.

  • Unattended vehicles should be locked. WSU is not responsible for the care or protection of any vehicle or its contents while on campus.

Parking Services may establish temporary permits or parking spaces for visitors or other public use.

Parking Services enforces all parking and traffic regulations. Anyone wishing to appeal a parking or traffic citation may submit an appeal to the Parking Services Office.

C. Towing

Vehicles may be towed at the owner’s expense in the following situations:

  1. Vehicle is left unattended for more than thirty days.

  2. Vehicle is hindering snow removal or repair work.

  3. Vehicle parking in a restricted or closed area.

  4. Vehicle is not in compliance with any of the above regulations.

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Dates of Revisions: 08/18/1988, 08/13/2007, 07/01/2024

Adoption date: 11/14/1978
Implementation date: 07/01/2024