Administrative number: 3-3
Responsible office: Academic Affairs
Responsible officer: Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs

Non-Credit and Continuing Education Units Policy


This policy establishes the guidelines to be used at Winona State University (WSU) on the development and funding of Non-Credit (NC) and Continuing Education Unit (CEU) offerings. The primary result of the implementation of this policy will be:

  1. The creation of records of educational experience for learners to document their efforts at self­ improvement, increased vocational competence, and a commitment to lifelong learning;
  2. The creation of an institutional planning, implementation and recording capability for demonstrating an ongoing commitment to continuing education and community service functions; and
  3. The recognition of Adult & Continuing Education (ACE) as the central office for NC and CEU programs.


A. Criteria:

1. The educational activity must meet the standards as defined in Section B of this policy.

2. The learning activity should be planned in response to an articulated or perceived need of
a client group. To fulfill this criterion, client groups, as well as individuals with expertise in the content area of the activity, should participate in the planning process

3. Intended learning outcomes must be clearly identified prior to offering the learning activity.

4. Instructors must be able to demonstrate appropriate qualifications and their current position and title by providing upon request a brief summary of their credentials, employment and experience which qualifies them to teach this course.

5. The CEU activity shall be evaluated on its stated objectives in order to insure an effective learning experience. A formal program evaluation provides the university with some evidence of the activity’s community service and its consumer satisfaction. The evaluation will provide a basis for quality control and will be useful in future planning.

6. Records of attendance must be maintained to verify each individual’s participation in the activity. Attendance of at least eighty (80) percent of the instructional hours is required for awarding of CEUs.

7. Other than meeting minimum attendance requirements, participants are not required to have additional evaluation unless required by an outside agency, (i.e. State Department or licensing body. Instructors may, however, make available on an optional basis additional evaluation opportunities for participants who so desire and if appropriate to the activity.

B. Limitations:

1. CEUs shall not be convertible to credits, but may be offered as supporting evidence for evaluation of prior learning for university credit.

2. CEUs will be awarded only for an activity offered with prior institutional approval from the Director of ACE.

3. Courses will not generally be offered for both credit and CEU. However, if the offering department determines the activity is appropriate for credit, the activity can be offered for both credit and CEU, with appropriate student evaluation assignments for the credit option and any other necessary modifications. For credit programs, the regular curriculum approval procedures must be followed.

4. CEUs will not be awarded for the following activities:

  • High school equivalency programs

  • Orientation programs

  • Committee meetings

  • Policy assignments

  • Meetings and conventions, unless there is prior approval that the program meets CEU guidelines.

  • Mass media programs

  • Entertainment and recreation

5. When a CEU activity is co-sponsored by the university and another institution, agency, or association, the university will generally have the responsibility for awarding CEUs and maintaining student records.
6. Nothing in this policy is intended to suggest that all conferences, continuing education, community service, extension, off-campus, or other similar activities must be offered for CEUs or credit. They may simply be offered through ACE as an NC activity.

Related definitions:

[3-3] Continuing Education Unit (CEU):

One (1) continuing education unit (CEU) is defined as ten (10) contact/clock hours of participation in an organized educational experience under responsible sponsorship, capable direction, and qualified instruction. When it is possible, instructional content in put will be sought from the potential consumers of an activity prior to the time the final learning objectives are established, and in contrast to credit programs where individual participants are evaluated, CEU activities will be evaluated by participants for program relevance and quality, and will bear no relationship to credit units associated with university coursework.


Date of Revisions: 8/18/88, 3/16/82, 8/18/88

Adoption date: 08/18/1988
Implementation date: 05/23/2017