Administrative number: 2-13A
Responsible office: University Advancement
Responsible officer: Vice President for University Advancement

Naming of University Buildings and Facilities Procedure

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This procedure establishes the process for the naming of university buildings and other facilities, such as lounges, lobbies, and individual rooms, at Winona State University (WSU).


A. Naming Process

The WSU President has designated the Vice President for University Advancement (VPUA) as the administrator responsible for this process.

  1. The Office of University Advancement, the VPUA, or other WSU community members make recommendations for the naming of a building or facility. The VPUA may also initiate a request for names.

  2. Recommendations detail why the naming is appropriate and contain extensive background information on the individual recommended for the honor.

  3. The VPUA sends naming recommendations to university constituent groups for review, including the Inter-Faculty Organization (IFO); Administrative and Service Faculty (ASF); Council 6; Student Senate; and the Alumni, Foundation, and Warrior Club Boards.

  4. The VPUA sends recommendations to the Advisory Committee of the Office of University Advancement for review and presents final selections for consideration by the President and the Cabinet.

  5. The President’s Cabinet endorses or rejects recommendations and forwards to the President.

  6. The President reviews and forwards endorsed recommendations to the Minnesota State System Chancellor.

  7. The Chancellor makes the final decision.

B. Dedication Ceremonies

Dedication ceremonies for newly named buildings and facilities will be held in conjunction with spring commencement or at another time suitable to guests and university officials.

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Dates of Revisions: 8/18/1988, 8/13/2007, 07/01/2024

Adoption date: 10/03/1985
Implementation date: 07/01/2024