Administrative number: 2-13
Responsible office: University Advancement
Responsible officer: Vice President for University Advancement

Naming of University Buildings and Facilities Policy


This policy establishes the method for naming buildings and other facilities at Winona State University (WSU).


University buildings and facilities can be named for individuals who are important to the history of WSU, or who have achieved national or international prominence, or who have made major contributions to WSU through service or other means.

The Minnesota State System Board of Trustees determines official names for WSU buildings and other facilities such as lounges, lobbies, and individual rooms, based on the recommendation of the WSU President. The WSU Vice President for University Advancement (VPUA) ensures that nominations for naming buildings and facilities are reviewed by university constituent groups and other stakeholders before presenting names to the WSU President for consideration.

Related Documents:


Dates of Revisions: 8/18/1988, 8/13/2007, 07/01/2024

Adoption date: 10/03/1985
Implementation date: 07/01/2024