Administrative number: 4-7A
Responsible office: Enrollment Management & Student Life
Responsible officer: Dean of Students

Missing Student Procedure

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This procedure establishes a framework/protocol for cooperation among members of the Winona State University (WSU) community including students, employees and other individuals for the purpose of locating and assisting currently enrolled students who are attending WSU courses or living in WSU housing with in the United States and are reported missing.


Reports of missing students as defined in the policy and procedure should be directed to WSU Director of Security, who shall investigate each report and, if warranted, notify Local Law Enforcement.

All students shall be asked to provide contact information for an individual to be contacted by the University in case the student is determined to be missing after 24 hours. Such contact information shall be held confidential and may be disclosed only to authorized university officials, and to law enforcement authorities to assist with a missing person investigation. Contact information shall be provided to local law enforcement authorities within 24 hours of the original report or determination that the student is missing.

The Vice President of Enrollment Management & Student Life shall annually notify all enrolled students of the policy and procedure.

A. Protocol:

If anyone feels a student is missing, they should immediately inform WSU Security.
Contact Information for Filing a Report:

WSU Security
Director of Security
175 West Mark Street
Office Location: Sheehan Hall
Winona, MN 55987

When a student is reported missing, WSU-Director of Security shall:

  1. Investigate to determine the validity of the report.

  2. Attempt to determine the location and status of the missing student.

  3. Notify local/other law enforcement agencies in accordance with established protocols.

  4. Notify University Administrators/Directors and/or On-Call Hall Director (i.e. Vice President of Enrollment Management & Student Life, Dean of Students, and Director of Housing).

  5. University will notify the emergency contact on file

  6. Dean of Students will serve as the university family liaison

The Dean of Students shall initiate whatever action they deem appropriate under the circumstances to be in the best interest of the missing student including, but not limited to:

  1. Informing university officials who may have knowledge of the student’s background or situation,

  2. Informing other University Administrators, the student’s college Dean, and/or the Department Chair

  3. Notifying the course instructors of student’s absence.

B. Internal control considerations:

All parties involved in the reporting and investigation of missing students must comply with the provisions of the Family Educational Rights & Privacy Act (FERPA), Minnesota statutes and other applicable privacy laws, rules, and regulations.

Related definitions:

[4-7] Missing:

A student is presumed missing if they are overdue in reaching home, campus, or other specific destinations for 24 hours past their expected time of arrival, and/or additional factors lead university staff to believe they are missing, and a check of their residence supports that determination.

[4-7] Student:
For purposes of this policy, the term “student” includes all persons who:
  1. are enrolled in one or more Winona State University courses within the United States, either credit or non-credit; or
  2. are living in a Winona State University residence hall although not enrolled in, or employed by, the institution.

Authorizing Policy:


Adoption date: 04/04/2018
Implementation date: 04/04/2018