Administrative number: 0-5B
Responsible office: President’s Office
Responsible officer: University President

[Informational] Step 2: Cabinet Review Notes


The WSU Cabinet reviews all recommendations from the WSU All-University Policy Committee (UPC) to vet proposed policy and procedure drafts submitted by responsible officers of the administration. If Cabinet accepts the UPC recommendation, it is then distributed for stakeholder review. Current drafts at this step are listed on the “Cabinet Review” webpage, including rationales for revision and recommended stakeholder review feedback deadlines. If this is the only “policy” listed on that page, there are no current recommendations awaiting Cabinet’s review.


The Stakeholder Review Process:

“Stakeholder review” is an essential component of the process to generate new or update existing WSU policies, procedures and regulations, authorized by Policy 1-1 “Policy on Policies and Procedures Policy.” Responsible Officers of the WSU administration propose policy/procedure drafts for consideration to the WSU All-University Policy Committee (UPC). The subsequent steps include:

  1. UPC Initial Review

    The UPC vets the recommendation, proposing that Cabinet accept it for distribution to stakeholders for review.

  2. Cabinet Review

    The WSU Cabinet reviews the recommendation and accepts or rejects it.

  3. Stakeholder Review

    If accepted by Cabinet, the recommendation is distributed to all WSU stakeholders for review.

  4. UPC Feedback Review

    The UPC reviews the feedback and provides it to the Responsible Officer.

  5. Author Feedback Review

    The Responsible Officer reviews the feedback and prepares final drafts.

  6. UPC Final Review

    The UPC reviews the final drafts and, if it feels the feedback has been adequately addressed, submits the recommendation to the President for final approval.

  7. Presidential Review

    The President either accepts or rejects the recommendation.

These drafts can be tracked on this WSU Policies website; the “All Drafts” page lists all current draft documents, and each one indicates the current step (including “Approved, Official” versions) allowing all stakeholders to track these recommendations through the vetting and reviewing process.

Stakeholders may provide feedback through the indicated forms; a link to these forms are included in every draft posted to this website. Stakeholders may also ask the Policy Coordinator for additional time to submit feedback.

All questions about this process should be directed to the WSU Policy Coordinator and/or the current chair of the WSU All-University Policy Committee.


Adoption date:
Implementation date: