Administrative number: 3-11A
Responsible office: Academic Affairs
Responsible officer: Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs

IFO Professional Improvement Funds Procedure

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This procedure describes the application process and criteria used for awarding IFO Professional Improvement Funds to eligible Winona State University (WSU) faculty members.


A. Eligibility

Eligibility requirements are outlined in Article 19, Section A of the IFO Master Agreement and subject to available funds.

B. Application Process

  1. IFO PIF Applications are submitted to the appropriate college dean or supervisor on the WSU Form Application for Professional Improvement Funds (PIF) by the published deadline. There are two rounds of funding each fiscal year for probationary, tenured, and fixed-term faculty; the first occurs in March and the second in November. Adjunct faculty assigned to work more than three (3) credits or to teach more than one (1) course may apply for funding at any time during the fiscal year.

  2. The dean or appropriate supervisor reviews and forwards a written recommendation for each application to the Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs (VPAA), based on the award criteria listed below.

  3. The VPAA forwards applications, including the deans’ recommendations, to the President with recommendations for funding.

  4. After reviewing the recommendations of the deans’ and the VPAA, the President approves or denies PIF funding based on the recommendations of the deans and VPAA. The President notifies applicants of final approval or denial and arranges for disbursement of funds.

  5. A maximum of $2,000 may be awarded to an individual in any one fiscal year. Although the intent is to spend these funds in the same fiscal year that the grant was approved, recipients may carry granted funds over to a second fiscal year. At the end of the second fiscal year, all unspent grant funds will be returned to the PIF pool. Adjunct faculty are not eligible for a second-year extension.

C. Award criteria

The following criteria will be used in approving or denying PIF proposals.

  • Applicant meets contractual eligibility requirements.

  • Fixed-term, probationary, and tenured applicants have a current Professional Development Plan (PDP).

  • Applicant has submitted a WSU Report for Use of Professional Improvement Funds for previous PIF awards if applicable.

  • Proposal relates to IFO professional development criteria outlined in the master agreement and/or the current PDP of the applicant.

  • Proposals focused on equity and inclusion and/or the elimination of education equity gaps will be prioritized.

D. Application Deadlines

Annual application deadlines will be listed in the Academic Deadline Calendar published by the Office of Academic Affairs.

E. Reporting Requirement

PIF recipients must submit a final summary report, WSU Report for Use of Professional Improvement Funds, that includes accomplishments and accounting of funds expended. The report can be submitted any time following the completion of the project but no later than September 30 of the fiscal year following the year of funding.

Related Documents

Related definitions:

[3-11] Professional Improvement Funds:

Monetary support used for improving professional competence.


Adoption date: 01/12/2024
Implementation date: 01/12/2024