Administrative number: 3-13B
Responsible office: Academic Affairs
Responsible officer: Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs

IFO Faculty Tenure Procedure (Draft)


The purpose of this procedure is to outline the criteria, timelines, and processes involved in granting tenure to Inter Faculty Organization (IFO) members at Winona State University (WSU).


A. Criteria

Tenure decisions are based on demonstrated consistent performance and high achievement according to the below listed criteria from the IFO Master Agreement, Article 22:

  • Demonstrated ability to teach effectively or perform effectively in other current assignments.
  • Scholarly or creative achievement or research.
  • Evidence of continuing preparation and study.
  • Contribution to student growth and development.
  • Service to the university and community.

B. Timeline

Deadlines for submissions of materials, recommendations, requested meetings, and final decisions are established in the IFO Master Agreement, Article 25, Section B, and are published in the WSU Academic Deadline Calendar.

C. Process

Faculty eligible for tenure submit a Promotion/Tenure Application and Summary Sheet along with a Professional Development Report (PDR) and supporting documentation to the department chair and dean. The application includes the following fields:

  • Name*
  • Date*
  • College and department*
  • Highest degree and date earned*
  • Discipline*
  • University*
  • Current rank**
  • Years of service in current rank, including current year**
  • Years of fixed term service, if applicable**
  • Years of probationary service**
  • Total years of service at WSU, including current year**
  • Current tenure status and date of tenure appointment if applicable**
  • Number of faculty colleagues eligible to vote on tenure***
  • Number of faculty who reviewed file***
  • Number of faculty voting yes, no, and abstaining***
  • Recommendation of Dean, Provost/Vice President for Academic Affairs (P/VPAA), and President***
    *to be completed by applicant
    **to be completed by applicant or dean’s office
    ***for administrative use only

The application and supporting materials are circulated in the faculty member’s department or program for review, commentary, and recommendations. The dean requests that each department member complete an Individual Tenure Recommendation form, which includes the following fields:

  • Name of faculty member being considered*
  • Date*
  • Department*
  • Description of criteria and space for addressing criteria
  • Evaluator’s recommendation for approval of tenure, denial of tenure, or abstention
  • Name and signature of evaluator with date signed
  • Name and signature of applicant with date signed
    *to be completed by dean

The department chair initiates the Departmental/Administrative Recommendation for Tenure form and forwards it to the dean. This form includes the following fields:

  • Name of faculty member being considered
  • Department
  • Date
  • Department tenure recommendation (number recommending for tenure, against tenure, and abstaining)
  • Space for comments
  • Signature of faculty member being considered and signature of department chair, with dates
  • Dean’s proposed recommendation, space for comments, signature, and date
  • P/VPAA’s recommendation, space for comments, signature, and date
  • President’s decision, signature, and date

The dean reviews the Individual and Departmental/Administrative Recommendation forms and makes a recommendation to the P/VPAA.

The P/VPAA reviews the materials and makes a recommendation to the President.

If the department, dean, or P/VPAA recommends denial of tenure, the faculty member may meet with the President before a final decision is made. The faculty member may be accompanied by an IFO representative.

The President makes the final decision to grant or deny tenure. The President will provide reasons for a denial in writing.

Related definitions:

[3-13] Professional Development Plan (PDP):

A plan for professional development created by the faculty member and based on criteria established in the IFO Master Agreement.

[3-13] Professional Development Report (PDR):

A report describing progress made in achieving objectives specified in the faculty member’s Professional Development Plan.

[3-13] Tenure:

An indefinite faculty appointment that can be terminated only for cause.


Adoption date:
Implementation date: