Administrative number: 3-13C
Responsible office: Academic Affairs
Responsible officer: Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs
IFO Faculty Non-Renewal Procedure (Draft)
The purpose of this procedure is to outline the criteria, timelines, and processes involved in non-renewal decisions for Inter Faculty Organization (IFO) members at Winona State University (WSU).
A. Criteria
Non-renewal decisions are based on performance in the below criteria areas listed in the IFO Master Agreement, Article 22:
- Demonstrated ability to teach effectively or perform effectively in other current assignments.
- Scholarly or creative achievement or research.
- Evidence of continuing preparation and study.
- Contribution to student growth and development.
- Service to the university and community.
B. Timeline
Deadlines for recommendations, meetings, and notice of non-renewal are established by the WSU President in consultation with the local IFO Association and published in the WSUFA Personnel Decision Deadline Calendar.
C. Process
- A department, dean, or the Provost/Vice President for Academic Affairs may make a recommendation for non-renewal of a probationary or non-tenure track faculty member.
- If a recommendation for non-renewal is made, the President will invite the faculty member to meet to discuss the recommendation before making a final decision. The faculty member may be accompanied by an IFO representative.
- The faculty member receives a written notice with reasons for non-renewal.
- First year faculty who are non-renewed remain on contract through the remainder of the academic year; all other non-renewed faculty will remain on contract through the subsequent academic year.
- Probationary faculty who are non-renewed may request an interview with the President by the published deadline of the terminal year to discuss the faculty member’s employment status. The President will notify the faculty member of any changes in the non-renewal decision within fifteen calendar days.
Related definitions:
[3-13] Non-renewal:Discontinuation of a probationary or non-tenure track faculty appointment.
Authorizing Policy:
Adoption date:
Implementation date: