Administrative number: 2-8
Responsible office: Academic Affairs
Responsible officer: Chief Academic Officer (CAO)

Grants and Sponsored Projects Policy

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This policy describes how Winona State University (WSU) encourages faculty and staff members to seek grants and external funding to further its educational mission, enrich its scholarly endeavors, and enhance services to its community.


External funding for approved grant activity and sponsored projects are the legal and fiscal responsibility of the university. This policy provides or refers to guidelines, procedures, and organizational structures for the submission and administration of grants and sponsored projects or programs that conform to federal and state laws and regulations and to Minnesota State and WSU policies.

Related Documents:

Related definitions:

[2-8] External funding:

Non-WSU and non-Minnesota State support including grants, contracts, and cooperative agreements

[2-8] Grant:

Financial award to a recipient to conduct an approved project or activity that follows the conditions and criteria established in sponsor guidelines; anticipates no programmatic involvement of the sponsor during the performance of the project or activity but the sponsor typically requests and accounting of fund use and project results.

[2-8] Grant activity:

Research, creative, public service, and educationally related project proposals and awards which are submitted to or received from federal, state, county, or municipal agencies, public or private corporations, and private foundations.

[2-8] Sponsored project, sponsored program:

Work performed under grants or contracts funded by non-WSU or non-Minnesota State sources.


Adoption date: 11/08/2018
Implementation date: 11/08/2018