Administrative number: 3-23A
Responsible office: President’s Office
Responsible officer: University President

Granting of Honorary Doctorate Degrees Procedure (Draft)


This procedure describes eligibility criteria, nomination and selection guidelines and processes, and presentation processes used to grant honorary doctorate degrees at Winona State University (WSU).

Rationale for Revision and Major Changes:

(This is for stakeholder review, not for publishing.)

This procedure draft is a proposed update for a legacy regulation:

The procedure now clarifies the selection process timeline and the presentation process.

Suggested Stakeholder feedback deadline:

Feedback should be provided using this WSU form by 11/01/2024.


A. Eligibility

Honorary doctorate degrees may be granted to:

  • WSU graduates who have distinguished themselves professionally.

  • Citizens who have made outstanding contributions or provided outstanding service to WSU, Minnesota State Colleges and Universities, or the State of Minnesota

  • Outstanding national figures who have made recognized public or scholarly contributions.

  • Persons whose status enhances the reputation of WSU and Minnesota State Colleges and Universities.

Current employees; members of the Minnesota State Board of Trustees; and federal, state, or local government officers are not eligible to receive an honorary doctorate degree from WSU.

B. Nomination Process

1. The Provost/Vice President for Academic Affairs (P/VPAA) solicits nominations from members of the WSU community by October 1 each year.

2. Individuals or groups may submit written nominations including the following information:

  • A biographical statement including name, address, place of birth, professional title, educational background, and other honorary degrees received if any.

  • Written documentation including a concise description of contributions qualifying the nominee for the degree.

  • A minimum of three written references from qualified persons in academia, public, or private sectors who are familiar with the nominee’s contributions.

3. Nominations are submitted to the P/VPAA by November 1.

C. Selection Guidelines

Nominees will be selected based on the following:

  • Nomination provides evidence of how the nominee demonstrates significant creativity, resourcefulness, humanitarian concern, personal dedication, intellect, and other qualities consistent with the intent of the honorary doctorate degree.

  • Primary consideration is given to nominations that include substantial evidence of outstanding achievement and contributions of the nominee above normal expectations in fulfilling service, employment, or professional requirements.

  • Secondary consideration is given to biographical information detailing accomplishments not associated with the primary reason for the nomination.

D. Selection Process

  1. The P/VPAA assigns each nomination to the appropriate academic unit for faculty review by November 15.

  2. The academic unit leader solicits and documents faculty response and returns a recommendation to the P/VPAA by December 15.

  3. The P/VPAA schedules meet and confer sessions with all university constituent groups in January to review nominations and responses and solicit feedback.

  4. The P/VPAA convenes the All-University Committee on Honorary Degrees by February 1 to consider nominations receiving favorable support.

  5. The All-University Committee on Honorary Degrees submits a recommendation on each nominee to the President and all university constituent groups by February 15.

  6. The President reviews and either approves or denies recommendations by March 1.

  7. If any nominee is selected to receive the honorary degree, the President will announce the award, and the degree will be conferred at the WSU spring commencement ceremony.

E. Presentation Process

Honorary doctorate degrees will only be awarded during the WSU commencement ceremony. Names of potential recipients will not be published until the President has given approval.

Degrees are selected from the following categories based on their appropriateness to the recipient’s field of contributions, achievements, service, and distinctions.

  • Honorary Doctor of Education (Hon. D.Ed.)

  • Honorary Doctor of Fine Arts (Hon. D.F.A.)

  • Honorary Doctor of Humane Letters (Hon. LH.D.)

  • Honorary Doctor of Laws (Hon. LL.D.)

  • Honorary Doctor of Literature (Hon. Litt.D.)

  • Honorary Doctor of Science (Hon. Sc.D.)

Invitations to degree recipients are conditional on their acceptance and commitment to attend commencement exercises. The honorary doctorate degree is not awarded in abstentia unless significant extenuating circumstances exist.

No more than two honorary doctorates are conferred in any academic year and no more than one per commencement ceremony.


Date of Revisions: 08/03/2007, 08/11/2009.

Adoption date: 09/27/1993
Implementation date: 01/01/2099