Administrative number: 3-24
Responsible office: Academic Affairs
Responsible officer: Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs/Chief Academic Officer

Graduate Policy for Offering New Courses and Workshops Regulation

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This regulation establishes a policy for new course proposals in progress (not approved beyond the department) at Winona State University (WSU).


A. Background

If the offering is a new course that will be incorporated into the regular curriculum of a department or program, the course may be offered only one (1) time (semester or summer session) prior to final curriculum approval.

B. Workshops

1. Workshops are to be offered in accordance with WSU Regulation 3-2.

2. Each department will use previously approved workshop numbers.

3. All workshop course titles will begin with the word WORKSHOP followed by a colon and the title, for example: “Workshop: Getting Along With Colleagues.”

4. The workshop can be offered as many times as enrollment allows.


Date of Revisions: 9/17/08

Adoption date: 02/01/1995
Implementation date: 09/17/2008