Administrative number: 3-37
Responsible office: Academic Affairs
Responsible officer: Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs/Chief Academic Officer

Grade Appeal Policy

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This policy provides a process for students at Winona State University (WSU) to appeal grades and evaluations believed to be unjust or incorrect.


If a student believes their academic work was evaluated unfairly, the student must confer with the instructor to resolve the dispute within the first ten (10) academic calendar days of the regular academic semester following the term in which the grade was earned. That is, for fall term grades the student shall contact the instructor within the first ten (10) academic calendar days of the following spring term. For spring or summer term grades, the student shall contact the instructor within the first ten (10) academic calendar days of the following fall term.

Related Documents

Related definitions:

[3-37] Academic Calendar Days:

Days when the university is open for regular business and faculty members are on duty, excluding holidays. In general, five academic days refers to one regular calendar week, ten days refers to two weeks, etc.

[3-37] Course Instructor:

The faculty member who determined the final grade in the course. If that instructor is no longer employed by the university, or if that instructor is otherwise unavailable (including but not limited to sabbatical leaves, medical leaves, or remote teaching assignments), the student should contact the current department chair. The department chair or their designee shall serve the role of “instructor” for the purposes of this policy.

Related docs:

Grade Appeal Procedure


Adoption date: 02/27/2017
Implementation date: 02/27/2017